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Maths and Applied Maths Library Guide: Writing Guides

How to find information - a guide for Maths & Applied Maths students

Writing and Style Guides

Most of the writing and style guides listed here are reference books and may not be borrowed (shelf numbers have an R in the prefix), however you will often find duplicate copies of these books which are available for loan.

Writing Guides



When writing up your work, you always need to acknowledge the sources that you have consulted in the process.  Failing to acknowledge your sources is construed as plagiarism--the dishonest act of attempting to take someone else’s ideas, writing, designs or research and presenting them as your own.  This act is viewed very seriously by UCT and may lead to expulsion. The University has laid out its policy and guidelines in:  Avoiding plagiarism: a guide for students.  


To avoid plagiarism it is important to cite and reference your sources.  You are strongly advised to read the very useful booklet: Harvard UCT: Handbook on citation (2015) by Karin de Jager & Diane Steele. Although this deals mainly with the Harvard (author, date) style of referencing, it contains useful information about plagiarism and referencing.

To learn more about referencing see next page.