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Hiddingh Hall Library Guide: Masters and PhD Theses by Fine Art Students

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List of Fine Art Theses

List of Fine Art Theses:

Fine Art List of PhD and Masters Theses .
Atkinson, Kevin 1978 A study in the personal usage of universal symbols towards a reconciliation between art and life. MA (FA)
Younge, James Gavin Forrest 1987 The mirror and the square: a study of ideology within contemporary art systems with special reference to the American avant-garde in the period 1933-1953. MA (FA)
Chetwin, Margaret Jill 1987 A re-assessment of ornament as a sculptural element MA (FA)
Stevenson, Michael 1988 The South African art index, 1971–1988 B.Bus.Sc.
Ratcliffe, Jo 1988 Nadir: a graphic interpretation of dispossession and aspects of conflict MFA.
Murray, Brett 1988 A group of satirical sculptures examining social and political paradoxes in the South African context. MFA.
Pissarra, Mario 1991 Criticism and censorship in the South African "alternative" press with particular reference to the cartoons of Bauer and Zapiro (1985-1990) Hons. History of Art.
Payne, Malcolm 1992 Form and the picturing of mining: an epistemology of form with special reference to the explication of iconography MFA
Baholo, Keresemose Richard 1994 A pictorial response to certain witchcraft beliefs within Northern Sotho communities MFA
Langerman, Fritha 1994 The dissection: An examination of the printmaking tradition as a means to reconsider the relationship between the human body and its representation MFA
Nolte, Jacqueline Elizabeth 1994 Figurative art in Soviet Russia circa 1921-1934: situating the realist-anti-realist debate in the context of changing definitions of proletarian culture. MA (History of Art)
van der Schijff, Johann 1994 An electronic laager: a sculptural interpretation of post-industrial society's cybernetic order. MFA
Dickerson, Brendhan Bailie 1995 Magical realism and subjective reality : an investigation of poetic symbolism and the development of related sculptures. MFA
Clark-Brown, Peter Gabriel 1995 A graphic interpretation of some social constructions of disability. MFA
Bull, Katherine Gay 1998 Positioning the Cape: a spatial engraving of a shifting frontier. MFA
Von Solms, Charlayn Imogen 1998. Hermetic heresies: a sculptural revision of the iconography of the classical muse. MFA
Daehnke, Nadja 1999 Unfinished man: questioning difference through the pictorial recontextualisation of socio-medical documents. MA
McLeod, C. 2000 No Title MFA.
Torres, T.N 2000 No Title MFA.
Sobopha, Mgcineni 2001 Skins, scars, blankets and blood: a pictorial response to the tensions and conflicts that arise from the representation and the practice of Ulwaluko in contemporary South Africa. MFA.
Simon, Janet 2001 Memoria: an exploration of longing, desire and transcience in the everyday MFA.
Pearce, Robyn 2001 The empowered body: creative expression as a force for personal transformation MFA.
McCauley, Kevin Taylor 2001 The cosmic tantrum MFA.
Kimani, M. 2001 No Title MFA.
Isaacs, N. 2001 No Title MFA.
Coleman, Wendy 2001 Matter and spirit: early 21st century funeral urns for the quick and the dead MFA.
Lomofsky, Lynne 2002 Body of evidence. MFA.
Riley, Eustacia 2002 Simulacra: constructing narrative in the studio tableau. MFA.
Nichol, Catherine 2002 Claiming process: a strategy of production in approaching notions of self, biography and community in painting. MFA.
Qangule, Thembeka 2003 Claiming, breaking and creating: a visual response to the experience of constructed social and spatial constraints. MFA.
Spengler, Jonathan 2003 Shifting ground: an investigation into an aesthetic of change in the form of a cycle of mural paintings. MFA.
Thorne, Jessica Louise 2003 The choreography of display: experiential exhibitions in the context of museum practice and theory. M.Phil.(FA)
Clark, Julia Rosa. 2004 Classroom facilities: a body of creative work exploring representations of knowledge through schematic means. MFA.
Grobler, Nicola 2004 The enigma machine: unravelling the domestic experience. MFA.
Higgs, Jo 2004. Video, memory and identity: my body, my history. MFA.
Lilla, Qanita 2004 "The advancement of art": policy and practice at the South African National Gallery, 1940-1962. MA.
McInnes, Jacqueline Helene 2004. Salt in the wound: a visual exploration of societal and experiental aspects of female reproduction and abortion. MFA.
Sauls, Roderick K. 2004 Identity: a study of representation with reference to District Six. MA
Van der Byl, Gretchen 2004 Other observations. MA
White, Ernestine Bianca 2004 There's no place (like home): a graphic interpretation of personal notions of home and displacement. MFA.
De Greef, Niek 2005 Zeegezichten/ seascapes: navigating the picture plane. MA (FA)
Geanotes, Alyxia 2005 "Don't look at the camera!": an investigation into directorial methodologies and practise used when working with child actors in film. MA.
Gulab, Nalisha 2005 Mis-education: subversion of female roles in Catholic religious depictions. MA (FA).
Kolodny, R.L. 2005 Towards an anthropology of photography: frameworks of analysis. MA.
Stretton, Pamela Jayne 2005. The encoded body: hearing the text, decoding the sign: the boy and meaning in the case of anorexia nervosa. MA.
Verwey, Adala Michelle Prévost 2005 Mute articulations representing the body when the self isn't what it used to be MA.
Young, Ed 2005 I can explain: the work of art is no longer necessary. MA.
Kasibe, Wandile Goozen 2006 Malundeness, personal memory and the diaspora: politics of the skin. MA
Maggs, Charles 2006 Cirque du Pan: panic circuit : an exploration of the accelerative effects of information communication technology. MA (Film and Media Studies)
Michael, Michael John 2006 Ex nihilo: emptiness and art. MA (FA).
Rynn, Sarah 2006 Reprocessing interference: an artistic exploration of the visual material generated by interference. MA
Van der Westhuizen, Cara 2006 Venus revisited: reflecting sights. MA.
Van Niekerk, Elsabé 2006 The pioneering spirit in the face of mystery: a creative exploration of phenomena pertinent to the information age in a systems paradigm. MA.
Mntambo, Nandipha 2007 Locating me in order to see you. MA.
Nowicki, Andrzej Jan 2007 The gloaming: narrative in contemporary painting MA.
Sacks, Ruth 2007 Filling in the gaps MA.
Wildenboer, Barbara 2007 Present absence MA.
Cilliers, Pieter Lafras 2008 Usurping architecture: sculptural resistance to the built environment. MA.
Holleman, Renée 2008 Erratum: an exploration of language, the fragmetary, and the gaps in the narrative of the everyday. MA.
Khoury, Milia Lorraine 2008 Erasing the object : sculptural manoeuvres into the sublime. M.Phil (FA).
Molema, M. 2008 Layering time : the representation of tradition in contemporary multimedia performance. MA.
Simonson, Karina 2008 Creation of fictional community MFA.
Stupart, Linda 2008 I love you to death the voice of the woman artist: sex, violence, sentimentality. MA.
Ward, Karla 2008 A depiction of the ghetto in feature film: a cinematic platform for confronting contemporary representations of ghetto occupancy. MFA.
Altchuler, J. 2009 Between forever and never : the photograph as a bridge between past and present; memory and it's fiction, 1981-2009. MFA.
Bird, S. 2009 The grapes of wrath: sculpture as socio-political critique in South Africa. MFA.
Brett, J. 2009 Out of sight: re-imagining Graaff's pool. MFA.
Matindike, Tashinga 2009 14 ways to remember Nzira gumi nena dzekuyeuka: exploring and preserving memories. MFA.
Price, C. 2009 Stock. MA (FA).
Saptouw, Fabian 2009 The production MFA
Scadden, David 2009 The road to heaven. MA (FA).
Burger, Francis 2010 The indulgence and exhaustion of the meaningless voice. MFA
Cilliers, Ryna 2010 An archaeology of self. MA (FA).
Dickerson, Catherine 2010 Salvaging meaning: exploring the language of inflatable kinetic sculptures and the materiality of plastic. MFA.
Nesbitt, Robyn 2010 Not today, but tomorrow. MA (FA).
Rust, Elgin 2010 Redress-un-dressed: Advocate Alice presents: R v JR 2010 MFA.
Washkansky, Dale 2010 A space between: contemplating the post-Holocaust subject. MFA.
Bezuidenhout, Vincent 2011 Separate amenities: topographics of recreational spaces in South Africa. MFA.
Deane, N. 2011 A heritage of secrets: on how to no. MFA.
Edwards, Dominique. 2011 The distance between us. MFA.
Ginsburg, Josh 2011 Walkabout: 2009 - 2011 MFA.
Jorgensen, C. 2011 No Title MFA.
Liebengerg, N. 2011 No Title MFA.
Norman, Natasha 2011 Further fictions in print. MFA.
Palte, Lauren 2011 A wounded surface: dissolving the human form. MFA.
Prinsloo, Monique 2011 Falling into gentle ruin. MFA.
Purvis, Bryony 2011 Between echoes: an experiment in creative collaboration. MFA.
Roussouw, Chad 2011 A history of failure. MFA.
Scholtz-Hofmeyr, Renzske 2011 The farm. MFA.
Spindler, Katherine 2011 At sea: documentation and commentary on the body of practical work submitted for the degree of Masters of Fine Art. MFA.
Viljoen, Sunette 2012 Avant lounge exotica. MFA.
Zimmer, Niklas 2012 Jazz contacts: envisaging Basil Breakey's photographic remains beyond the archive MFA.
Butcher, Clare 2012 The principles of packing a case study of two travelling. MFA.
Dooley, Jeffrey 2012 Revisiting the future. MFA.
Grobler, Isabelle Christine 2012 The cannibals' banquet. MA (FA)
Higgins, Josephine 2012 Seeing death: portraiture in contemporary postmortem photography. MA (FA)
Jenks, Peter 2012 An unknown city MA (FA)
Joubert, Jill 2012 Apple girl: ingesting and transforming Apple girl from fairy tale into sculpture and performancee. MA (FA)
Kellner, Clive 2012 Representations of the black subject in Irma Stern and African periods: Swazland, Zanzibar and Congo 1894-1955. MFA.
Leibbrandt, Tim 2012 Intramediary presence: body, interactivity and networked distribution in immersive virtual reality art. MFA.
Mahashe, George 2012 Dithugula tša Malefokana: paying libation in the photographic archive made by anthropologists E.J. & J.D. Krige in 1930s Bolobedu, under Queen Modjadji III. MA.
Müller, Ceri 2012 Release me. MA (FA).
Putter, Andrew 2012 Native work: an impulse of tenderness MFA.
Gauntlett, Alice 2013 Out-of-place. MFA.
Simons, Bridget Anne 2013 An irreal realm: painting as a means of reflecting on oneirism. MFA.
Langerman, Fritha 2013 The exploded book: A disarticulation of visual knowledge systems within sites of natural history display. PhD (Fine Art)
Van der Merwe, Darren 2013 The Printer's Grey: alchemy, ritual and performance in fine art printmaking. MFA.
Walters, Ashley 2013 Uitsig. MFA.
Groenewald, Madeline 2014 Variations on a theme by John Herschel. MFA.
Barben, Marc Walter 2015 What does it mean to be a 'national' gallery when the notions of 'nation' transform radically?: An analysis of the Iziko South African National Gallery's practices and policies in historical context. MFA.
Brown, Jessica Natasha 2015 Ethics of the dust: on the care of a university art collection. MFA.
Conradie, H. 2015 Spore: tracing threatened indigenous flowers in the Breede River Valley. MFA.
Duncan, Suzanne 2015 Dust imagined: a creative reflection on anxiety, morality and process. MFA.
Gauld, Qanta 2015 Desperate whispers: empathy in the context of an ecological crisis MFA.
Karakashian, A. 2015 Shifting grounds: an investigation into contemporary landscape representation. MFA.
Knoetze, Francois 2015 Cape Mongo. MFA.
Mbikayi, Maurice 2015 Fashionable addiction : the impact of digital identity through the cult of the body (an African perspective, with particular reference to the Democratic Republic of Congo). MFA.
Mehrabanbaghbadorani, S. 2015 Retracting memories: personal and public histories in contemporary Iran. MFA.
Bolton, Ingrid 2016 Crossing the Ecoline: a visual response to increasing levels of ocean acidification MA (Fine Art)
Bloch, Joanne 2016 Letting things speak: a case study in the reconfiguring of a South African institutional object collection. PhD (Fine Art)
Macdonald, James 2016 Tracing the passion of a black Christ: critical reflections on the iconographic revision and symbolic redeployment of the Stations of the Cross and Passion cycle by South African artists Sydney Kumalo, Sokhaya Charles Nkosi and Azaria Mbatha. Master of Arts (Fine Art)
Pelser,Suraya 2018 (De)Constructing worlds: high Modernism, architecture and photography Master of Fine Art
Abraham, Catherine 2019 A deeper kind of nothing MA (Fine Art)
Mahashe, Tebogo George 2019 MaBareBare, a rumour of a dream PhD(Fine Art)
Zenzile, Mawande 2019 Decolonizing visualities: changing cultural paradigms, freeing ourselves from Western-centric concepts. Master of Arts (Fine Art)
Zaayman, Carine 2019 Seeing what is not there: figuring the anarchive PhD(Fine Art)
Weber, Deborah 2020 How does collective practice function as an artistic strategy. Master of Arts (Fine Art)
Visagie, Morne 2020 The last colour to fade. Master of Fine Art
Minnie, Heinrich 2020 Homunculi of the Digital City. Master of Fine Art
Labuschagne, Emily 2020 Masters, Master, Masturbate (A master's debate) - Relooking at the Home, Body and Self through Seventeenth Century Dutch Still Life Painting. Master of Fine Art
Somdyala, Inga 2020 ILIZWE LIFILE. Master of Fine Art
Meyer, Garth 2020 Borderlands and Political Ecology: A photographic exploration of the environment, territories, boundaries and power near the imaginary line of the equator. Master of Fine Art
Carew, Nina 2020 The recipe book and the construction of female domestic identity: a historical inquiry Master of Arts (Fine Art)
Phetogo, Thebeyame 2020 BOGASATSWANA: Redbuilding the Boat while Sailing. Master of Fine Art
Fortuin, Sam Seth 2022 Aba té Home: Journey to Robben Island. Master of Fine Art
Hambsch, Oliver 2022 Absent Presence: an exploration of memory and family through printmaking. Master of Fine Art
Liebenberg, Nina 2022 The virus and the vaccine: curatorship and the disciplinary outsider Master of Fine Art