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Hiddingh Hall Library Guide: Masters and PhD Theses by Drama Students

A guide for Drama, History of Art and Fine Art students

List of theatre and Performance Theses

List of Theatre and Performance theses:

Drama,Theatre and Perfoamnce List of Phd and Masters Theses
Steadman, Ian 1986 No title MA (Theatre and Performance)
Dalrymple, L. 1987 Explorations in drama, theatre and education : a critique of theatre studies in South Africa. Ph.D.
Morris, Gay 1989 A critical biography of Rosalie van der Gucht : investigating her contribution to education in South Africa with special reference to speech and drama. MA (Drama)
Banning, Yvonne 1989 English language usage in South African theatre since 1976. MA (Drama)
Mda, Zanemvula K G 1990 The utilization of theatre as a medium for development communication: an examination of the Lesotho experience. Ph.D Drama
Fleishman, Mark 1991 Workshop Theatre in South Africa in the1980s: a critical examination with specific reference to power, orality and the carnivalesque. MA (Drama)
Cameron, Nicholas W 1992 Reclaimed territory : the plays of John McGrath and the 7:84 theatre company considered as a continuum of twentieth-century theories concerning theatrical form. Ph.D Drama
Calburn, Caroline 1994 A critical documentation of Mavis Taylor’s teaching of improvisisation. MA Drama.
De Wet, Elizabeth 1997 Subversive acts: the politics of the female subject in performance. MA Drama.
Du Plessis, T. 1998 In search of the culture of links: the use of myth and ritual in the work of Peter Brook MA
Mills, E. 1999 Theatre voice as metaphor: the advocacy of a praxis based on the centrality of voice to performance. MA
McLeod, Cory 2000 The use of Keith Johnstone’s concepts of "Circles of Expectation" and Vogler’s generic story structure as directorial aids in comedy theatre. MA Drama.
Torres, Thain N J 2000 Theatre: the art of human being - locating the cultural value of theatre in the Age of Broadcast Media and a retrospective paper on the process leading towards the 2000 performance Involving Eternit. MA Theatre Making.
Gehring, Heike 2001 Meaningful mouthpieces :the deconstruction of texts for theatrical (re)presentation. MA Theatre and Performance.
Madlala, Ntokozo 2001 Kwasukasukela: a practical exploration of Nguni oral storytelling traditions on contemporary physical forms of storytelling for theatre. MA (Theatre and Performance).
Berk, Anita 2001 Female bodies as text: disobedient representations of the witch MA
Ravengai, Samuel 2001 "Thoughts that think in straight lines cannot see round corners...": transgressing the realist narrative form. MA Theatre and Performance.
Pan, Esther 2002 Investigating invention: a challenge to the primacy of the written text. MA
Marneweck, Aja 2004 Maladamatjuate and the theatre of difference: staging the female body in South Africa. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Taub, Myer 2004 Playing with/in history : an investigation of fragments and methods of their assemblage in the composition of historical dramatic narrative. MA (Drama)
Van Heerden, Peter 2004 Trek: hitchhiking on the ox-wagon of destiny: voortrekker, draadtrekker, saamtrekker. MA in Theatre and Performance
Anastasopoulos, Angela 2005 The theatrical landscape as framework for home-grown patterns of chaos: making a play about tea-cups and doing the washing. MA in Theatre and Performance
Fick, David 2005 House of shadows as text and performance : structural and conceptual considerations of/for the contemporary musical play. MA (Drama)
Koff, Rashida 2005 Tamarind. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Kokot, Kerrin 2005 Tiny MA (Drama)
Kowen, Jacqueline Therese 2005 Developing comic text/s: representations and presentations of Jewish cultural identity through the integration of stand-up and domestic comedy. MA (Drama)
Matchett, Sarah 2005 Breathing space: cross-community professional theatre as a means of dissolving fixed geographical landscapes. MA in Theatre and Performance
Woodward, Sarah Jane 2005 Slamming into the visceral pleasure of language: the value of disordered spaces and its impact on contemporary vocal landscpes. MA in Theatre and Performance
Muftic, Sanjin 2006 Creating and inhabiting heightened theatrical landscapes MA (Drama)
Sulcas, Gabrielle Reeve 2006 An exploration of the relationship between applied theatre and community building practice, with specific reference to a teenage pregnancy project in Delft. MA (Drama)
Chimoga, Tichaona Ronald Kizito 2007 Theatre of the contact zone: a quest for a means to nurse split psychic spaces in public spheres through the transformation of dramatic texts into performance texts. MA (Theatre Making and Performance)
Davids, Nadia 2007 Inherited memories: performing the archive. PhD (Drama)
Jusa, John 2007 Challenging the structures of power: an introduction to Citizen Theatre. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Keevy, Jon 2007 xploring the tension between Coleridge's Poetic Faith and disbelief in the metatheatrical strategies used in a Mask, a Key and a Pair of Broken Wings. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Younge, Janni 2007 Creating resonance in emptiness with visual theatre : how the metaphorical potential of puppets, objects and images in theatre can be used to explore the constructed nature of reality and the complexity of the self. MA in Theatre and Performance.
Bilbrough, Gordon 2008 Playing for keeps: an examination of arepp : Theatre for Life's applied theatre pedagogy with regards to adolescent sexuality. MA (Drama)
De Bruyn, Lavona 2008 Exploring social identity through theatre: an examination of the process of creating Jingle Dreams with youth in the coloured community of Clanwilliam. MA (Drama)
Gröger, K. 2008 Ouma: performing the myth of the self. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Hirsch, A. 2008 Social Comic Commentary - an exploration of contemporary identity constructions. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Kabwe, Mwenya 2008 Towards performing an afropolitan subjectivity. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Kirch, Michael A 2008 Generative dramaturgy: a strategy for refocusing directorial intent in the translation phase of play development. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Leffler, Elliot 2008 Devising dialogue: structuring intercultural encounters through the process of workshop theatre. MA in Drama
Marx, Laurie Werner 2008 The revelation of the personal archive in performance MA in Drama
Mbothwe, Mandla 2008 An African Dream Play = Isivuno Sama Phupha: reconstructing the spirit of ubuntu in the contemporary urban 'village' through theatre. MA (Theatre & Performance)
Price, Alicia MV 2008 Identity and difference without opposition: constructing and exposing strategic subjectivities for social comic comment. MA (Theatre & Performance)
Stockil, Emily 2008 Development, belonging and change: a study of a community theatre-for-development initiative in KwaZulu-Natal MA (Theatre and Performance)
Taub, Myer 2008 Lessons from an aftermath: recovery of the self through trans-disciplinary applied drama practice. Ph.D (Drama)
Araujo, Darron 2009 Vocal schizophrenia or conscious flexibility?: owning the voice in the South African context. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Arumugam, V. 2009 Playing the truth: the nondual perspective in performance. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Mahali, Alude 2009 Piercing together a girlhood: (re)visiting memories of site using nostalgia as a catalyst for coping with utopia. MA (Drama)
Singer, Jacqueline 2009 Female vocality: sounding, hearing, and structures of feeling re-framed. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Streek, Katy 2009 Collaborating in No man's land: an enquiry towards creating an environment for 'equal' collaboration between international partners in an applied theatre project. MA (Drama)
Youngleson, Penelope 2009 Recommencing reality: the intersection of public and private identity in performative contexts. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Morris, Gay 2010 Own-made in the (post-)new South Africa: a study of theatre originating from selected townships in the vicinity of Cape Town. Ph.D (Drama)
Dodders, Catherine 2011 Travails in Limbo: an ethical and aesthetic investigation into new approaches in the presentation of theatre for young audiences. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Fourie, Ilse 2011 Towards theatre remix: a net generational perspective on theatre making. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Hershler, Laen 2011 Porosity at play: investigating the role of the facilitator in the training and performance of masked theatre. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Rademeyer, Philip 2011 Breaking Heterosoc, Making a queerworld: using a queer directorial aesthetic to re-envision Hedda Gabler. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Triegaardt, Allison Laura 2011 One character, one bullet: an investigation of the death of character in contemporary South African television drama and the multiplicity of social self as possible means of character revival. MA (Film & Television Production)
Bye, Lara 2012 Imag(in)ing the poetic body: a directorial approach to heightening text(ure) in performance. MA (Drama)
Fleishman, Mark 2012 Remembering in the postcolony: refiguring the past with theatre. Ph. D (Drama)
Galley, Adrian 2012 Neurobiology, empathy and social cognition the potential benefits of theatre in traumatised communities. MA (Drama)
Jephta, Amy 2012 Free falling bird : an encounter with the Trojan women of Euripides. MA (Drama)
Marneweck, Aja 2012 Plot 99 towards a feminine semiotic spiritual and sexual emergence(y) in women's puppetry and visual performance. Ph.D (Drama)
Reznek, Jennie 2012 Moving ideas about moving bodies : teaching physical theatre as a response to violence and the violated body. MA (Drama)
Seabe, Lesoko Vuyokazi 2012 Performing the (un)inherited language, identity, performance. MA in Theatre and Performance
Tshazibane, Mfundo 2012 Chosi Ntsomi! making a Xhosa theatre identity by adapting Nongenile Masithathu Zenani's folktale about a rite of passage for Xhosa girls. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Unwin, Charles 2012 Dramatization and philosophy of history in Orange Book explication of a site-responsive work and its research. MA (Theatre and Performance)
Hughes, Shannon 2013 Complex associations : facilitator, host and refugee, a 'round-about' way of drama for inclusion. MA (Applied Drama and Theatre Studies)
Louw, Illka 2013 From designer through space to spectator : tracking an imaginative exchage between the actants of a scenographic event. MA (Drama)
Maedza, Pedzisai 2013 Theatre of Testimony: An investigation in devising Asylum MA (Drama)
Stopford, Clare 2013 Mise en scène as a feminine textual body: making meaning in new plays. MA (Drama)
Wilsenach, Coba‐Maryn 2013 An examination of the relation of scientific thought to changing notions of time, space and character in 20th century drama: Chekov, Beckett, Foreman. MA (Drama)
Gardini, Genna 2014 Handsome Devil: an exploration of contemporary South African girlhood/s through playwritting. MA (Drama)
Kweyama, Mdunyiswa 2014 Bringing dance into the realm of theater: making sense differently for actors and audiences. MA (Drama)
Mahali, Alude 2014 A Museum of Bottled Sentiments: the 'beautiful pain syndrome' in twenty-first century Black South African theatre making. PhD (Drama)
Postlethwaite, Rosa 2014 Exploring the field of autotopography through live art practice : The frieze, The anatomy lecture theatre and The security hut. MA (Drama)
Pupa, Buntu 2014 Facilitating engagement with the challenges facing families in which there may be members with special needs: positing a model for theatrical intervention. MA (Drama)
Dinesh, Nandita 2015 Grey Zones: perfomances, perspectives, and possibilities in Kashmir. PhD (Drama)
Herbst, Rone 2015 Considering rhythms of emotional proximity: an alternative approach to directing theatre in a violent society. MA (Drama)
Mbele, Ongezwa 2015 Township theatre-making as a developmental tool for Khayelitsha youth: an applied theatre study from an ethnographic perspective. MA (Drama)
van Wyk,Klara 2015 The Whiteface and the Auguste: the integration of structure and spontaneity in contemporary clown theatre performance. MA (Drama)
Kawitzky, Roxy 2016 Working theory: an analysis of the use and misuse performance tools. MA (Drama)
Marrier D'unienville, Krystle 2016 "Let's put on our teaching face": an investigation of teaching styles and their skillsets. MA (Drama)
Mwange, Sepiso 2016 Process drama: affecting the second language learning classroom. MA (Drama)
Matchett, Sara 2016 Breath-Body-Soul: An exploration of the body as a site for generating images of performance making. PhD (Theatre and Performance)
Chinhanu, Chiedza Adelaide 2017 Prison A/R/TOGRAPHY: the aesthetic of 'captive' masculinities. Master of Arts
Nassimbeni, Francesco 2017 Picture-making through performance - experiments in visual dramaturgy. Master of Arts
Halligey, Alexandra 2018 Of place and playmaking: working with everyday city spaces through theatre and performance. PhD (Theatre and Performance)
Maedza, Pedzisai 2018 Chains of memory in the postcolony: performing and remembering the Namibian genocide PhD (Theatre and Performance)
Naicker, Kivithra 2018 Questions for Amma. Master of Arts (Theatre and Performance)
Muftic, Sanjin 2019 The poetics of planetary theatre: image and bricolage. PhD(Theatre and Performance)
Singh, Meghna 2019 Visualising human migrations in Cape Town: the story of three ships through ‘time’, ‘space’ and ‘memory’. PhD(Theatre and Performance)
Bhagat, Heeten 2019 Speculative indigeneities: the [k]new now. PhD(Theatre and Performance)
Batzofin, Jayne 2019 THE CHILD AS DRAMATURG: investigating dramaturgical frameworks steered by child-centric sensibilities. Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)
Hartmann, Allisa-Zee 2020 Negative Dramaturgies and the Development of Productive Negation. Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)
Chauke, Lesego 2020 (Re)membering history: performative disinterment in post-TRC South African theatre-making. Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)
Manyaapelo, Jacqueline 2020 DNA - Deconstructing Native Affairs: New Equations. Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)
Paredes, Miguel 2020 Self/Scape: An Exploration of Belonging and Wayfaring. Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)
Maroga, Kopano 2020 How to Disappear: Disidentification and biomythography as tools for queering and Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)
Jones, Danielle-Marie 2020 Breaking my silence as a 'trained' dancer in post-apartheid South Africa. Master of arts (Theatre, Dance and Performance)
Parker, Alan 2020 Anarchival dance: choreographic archives and the disruption of knowledge. Master of arts (Theatre, Dance and Performance)
Blum, Nomi 2020 FRAGMENTS OF ENCOUNTERS. Master of arts
Mangcu, Thando 2021 The staging of black consciousness through sound and the tactical benefits of disappearing. Master of arts
Plaatjie, Nwabisa 2021 Exploring meaning in Xhalanga Blues: a theatre of ntsomi palimpsests encouraging sustainable storytelling. Master of arts
Viljoen, Kanya 2021 Ma, performing the White, Afrikaner Woman back to self. Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)
Glanville, Joanna 2021 A scenographic approach to devising theatre. Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)
Dubazane, Mlondiwethu 2021 Touching on the untouchable: contesting contemporary black South African masculinity and cultural identity through perfomance. Master of arts (Theatre and Performance)