Steadman, Ian |
1986 |
No title |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Dalrymple, L. |
1987 |
Explorations in drama, theatre and education : a critique of theatre studies in South Africa. |
Ph.D. |
Morris, Gay |
1989 |
A critical biography of Rosalie van der Gucht : investigating her contribution to education in South Africa with special reference to speech and drama. |
MA (Drama) |
Banning, Yvonne |
1989 |
English language usage in South African theatre since 1976. |
MA (Drama) |
Mda, Zanemvula K G |
1990 |
The utilization of theatre as a medium for development communication: an examination of the Lesotho experience. |
Ph.D Drama |
Fleishman, Mark |
1991 |
Workshop Theatre in South Africa in the1980s: a critical examination with specific reference to power, orality and the carnivalesque. |
MA (Drama) |
Cameron, Nicholas W |
1992 |
Reclaimed territory : the plays of John McGrath and the 7:84 theatre company considered as a continuum of twentieth-century theories concerning theatrical form. |
Ph.D Drama |
Calburn, Caroline |
1994 |
A critical documentation of Mavis Taylor’s teaching of improvisisation. |
MA Drama. |
De Wet, Elizabeth |
1997 |
Subversive acts: the politics of the female subject in performance. |
MA Drama. |
Du Plessis, T. |
1998 |
In search of the culture of links: the use of myth and ritual in the work of Peter Brook |
MA |
Mills, E. |
1999 |
Theatre voice as metaphor: the advocacy of a praxis based on the centrality of voice to performance. |
MA |
McLeod, Cory |
2000 |
The use of Keith Johnstone’s concepts of "Circles of Expectation" and Vogler’s generic story structure as directorial aids in comedy theatre. |
MA Drama. |
Torres, Thain N J |
2000 |
Theatre: the art of human being - locating the cultural value of theatre in the Age of Broadcast Media and a retrospective paper on the process leading towards the 2000 performance Involving Eternit. |
MA Theatre Making. |
Gehring, Heike |
2001 |
Meaningful mouthpieces :the deconstruction of texts for theatrical (re)presentation. |
MA Theatre and Performance. |
Madlala, Ntokozo |
2001 |
Kwasukasukela: a practical exploration of Nguni oral storytelling traditions on contemporary physical forms of storytelling for theatre. |
MA (Theatre and Performance). |
Berk, Anita |
2001 |
Female bodies as text: disobedient representations of the witch |
MA |
Ravengai, Samuel |
2001 |
"Thoughts that think in straight lines cannot see round corners...": transgressing the realist narrative form. |
MA Theatre and Performance. |
Pan, Esther |
2002 |
Investigating invention: a challenge to the primacy of the written text. |
MA |
Marneweck, Aja |
2004 |
Maladamatjuate and the theatre of difference: staging the female body in South Africa. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Taub, Myer |
2004 |
Playing with/in history : an investigation of fragments and methods of their assemblage in the composition of historical dramatic narrative. |
MA (Drama) |
Van Heerden, Peter |
2004 |
Trek: hitchhiking on the ox-wagon of destiny: voortrekker, draadtrekker, saamtrekker. |
MA in Theatre and Performance |
Anastasopoulos, Angela |
2005 |
The theatrical landscape as framework for home-grown patterns of chaos: making a play about tea-cups and doing the washing. |
MA in Theatre and Performance |
Fick, David |
2005 |
House of shadows as text and performance : structural and conceptual considerations of/for the contemporary musical play. |
MA (Drama) |
Koff, Rashida |
2005 |
Tamarind. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Kokot, Kerrin |
2005 |
Tiny |
MA (Drama) |
Kowen, Jacqueline Therese |
2005 |
Developing comic text/s: representations and presentations of Jewish cultural identity through the integration of stand-up and domestic comedy. |
MA (Drama) |
Matchett, Sarah |
2005 |
Breathing space: cross-community professional theatre as a means of dissolving fixed geographical landscapes. |
MA in Theatre and Performance |
Woodward, Sarah Jane |
2005 |
Slamming into the visceral pleasure of language: the value of disordered spaces and its impact on contemporary vocal landscpes. |
MA in Theatre and Performance |
Muftic, Sanjin |
2006 |
Creating and inhabiting heightened theatrical landscapes |
MA (Drama) |
Sulcas, Gabrielle Reeve |
2006 |
An exploration of the relationship between applied theatre and community building practice, with specific reference to a teenage pregnancy project in Delft. |
MA (Drama) |
Chimoga, Tichaona Ronald Kizito |
2007 |
Theatre of the contact zone: a quest for a means to nurse split psychic spaces in public spheres through the transformation of dramatic texts into performance texts. |
MA (Theatre Making and Performance) |
Davids, Nadia |
2007 |
Inherited memories: performing the archive. |
PhD (Drama) |
Jusa, John |
2007 |
Challenging the structures of power: an introduction to Citizen Theatre. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Keevy, Jon |
2007 |
xploring the tension between Coleridge's Poetic Faith and disbelief in the metatheatrical strategies used in a Mask, a Key and a Pair of Broken Wings. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Younge, Janni |
2007 |
Creating resonance in emptiness with visual theatre : how the metaphorical potential of puppets, objects and images in theatre can be used to explore the constructed nature of reality and the complexity of the self. |
MA in Theatre and Performance. |
Bilbrough, Gordon |
2008 |
Playing for keeps: an examination of arepp : Theatre for Life's applied theatre pedagogy with regards to adolescent sexuality. |
MA (Drama) |
De Bruyn, Lavona |
2008 |
Exploring social identity through theatre: an examination of the process of creating Jingle Dreams with youth in the coloured community of Clanwilliam. |
MA (Drama) |
Gröger, K. |
2008 |
Ouma: performing the myth of the self. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Hirsch, A. |
2008 |
Social Comic Commentary - an exploration of contemporary identity constructions. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Kabwe, Mwenya |
2008 |
Towards performing an afropolitan subjectivity. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Kirch, Michael A |
2008 |
Generative dramaturgy: a strategy for refocusing directorial intent in the translation phase of play development. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Leffler, Elliot |
2008 |
Devising dialogue: structuring intercultural encounters through the process of workshop theatre. |
MA in Drama |
Marx, Laurie Werner |
2008 |
The revelation of the personal archive in performance |
MA in Drama |
Mbothwe, Mandla |
2008 |
An African Dream Play = Isivuno Sama Phupha: reconstructing the spirit of ubuntu in the contemporary urban 'village' through theatre. |
MA (Theatre & Performance) |
Price, Alicia MV |
2008 |
Identity and difference without opposition: constructing and exposing strategic subjectivities for social comic comment. |
MA (Theatre & Performance) |
Stockil, Emily |
2008 |
Development, belonging and change: a study of a community theatre-for-development initiative in KwaZulu-Natal |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Taub, Myer |
2008 |
Lessons from an aftermath: recovery of the self through trans-disciplinary applied drama practice. |
Ph.D (Drama) |
Araujo, Darron |
2009 |
Vocal schizophrenia or conscious flexibility?: owning the voice in the South African context. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Arumugam, V. |
2009 |
Playing the truth: the nondual perspective in performance. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Mahali, Alude |
2009 |
Piercing together a girlhood: (re)visiting memories of site using nostalgia as a catalyst for coping with utopia. |
MA (Drama) |
Singer, Jacqueline |
2009 |
Female vocality: sounding, hearing, and structures of feeling re-framed. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Streek, Katy |
2009 |
Collaborating in No man's land: an enquiry towards creating an environment for 'equal' collaboration between international partners in an applied theatre project. |
MA (Drama) |
Youngleson, Penelope |
2009 |
Recommencing reality: the intersection of public and private identity in performative contexts. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Morris, Gay |
2010 |
Own-made in the (post-)new South Africa: a study of theatre originating from selected townships in the vicinity of Cape Town. |
Ph.D (Drama) |
Dodders, Catherine |
2011 |
Travails in Limbo: an ethical and aesthetic investigation into new approaches in the presentation of theatre for young audiences. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Fourie, Ilse |
2011 |
Towards theatre remix: a net generational perspective on theatre making. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Hershler, Laen |
2011 |
Porosity at play: investigating the role of the facilitator in the training and performance of masked theatre. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Rademeyer, Philip |
2011 |
Breaking Heterosoc, Making a queerworld: using a queer directorial aesthetic to re-envision Hedda Gabler. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Triegaardt, Allison Laura |
2011 |
One character, one bullet: an investigation of the death of character in contemporary South African television drama and the multiplicity of social self as possible means of character revival. |
MA (Film & Television Production) |
Bye, Lara |
2012 |
Imag(in)ing the poetic body: a directorial approach to heightening text(ure) in performance. |
MA (Drama) |
Fleishman, Mark |
2012 |
Remembering in the postcolony: refiguring the past with theatre. |
Ph. D (Drama) |
Galley, Adrian |
2012 |
Neurobiology, empathy and social cognition the potential benefits of theatre in traumatised communities. |
MA (Drama) |
Jephta, Amy |
2012 |
Free falling bird : an encounter with the Trojan women of Euripides. |
MA (Drama) |
Marneweck, Aja |
2012 |
Plot 99 towards a feminine semiotic spiritual and sexual emergence(y) in women's puppetry and visual performance. |
Ph.D (Drama) |
Reznek, Jennie |
2012 |
Moving ideas about moving bodies : teaching physical theatre as a response to violence and the violated body. |
MA (Drama) |
Seabe, Lesoko Vuyokazi |
2012 |
Performing the (un)inherited language, identity, performance. |
MA in Theatre and Performance |
Tshazibane, Mfundo |
2012 |
Chosi Ntsomi! making a Xhosa theatre identity by adapting Nongenile Masithathu Zenani's folktale about a rite of passage for Xhosa girls. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Unwin, Charles |
2012 |
Dramatization and philosophy of history in Orange Book explication of a site-responsive work and its research. |
MA (Theatre and Performance) |
Hughes, Shannon |
2013 |
Complex associations : facilitator, host and refugee, a 'round-about' way of drama for inclusion. |
MA (Applied Drama and Theatre Studies) |
Louw, Illka |
2013 |
From designer through space to spectator : tracking an imaginative exchage between the actants of a scenographic event. |
MA (Drama) |
Maedza, Pedzisai |
2013 |
Theatre of Testimony: An investigation in devising Asylum |
MA (Drama) |
Stopford, Clare |
2013 |
Mise en scène as a feminine textual body: making meaning in new plays. |
MA (Drama) |
Wilsenach, Coba‐Maryn |
2013 |
An examination of the relation of scientific thought to changing notions of time, space and character in 20th century drama: Chekov, Beckett, Foreman. |
MA (Drama) |
Gardini, Genna |
2014 |
Handsome Devil: an exploration of contemporary South African girlhood/s through playwritting. |
MA (Drama) |
Kweyama, Mdunyiswa |
2014 |
Bringing dance into the realm of theater: making sense differently for actors and audiences. |
MA (Drama) |
Mahali, Alude |
2014 |
A Museum of Bottled Sentiments: the 'beautiful pain syndrome' in twenty-first century Black South African theatre making. |
PhD (Drama) |
Postlethwaite, Rosa |
2014 |
Exploring the field of autotopography through live art practice : The frieze, The anatomy lecture theatre and The security hut. |
MA (Drama) |
Pupa, Buntu |
2014 |
Facilitating engagement with the challenges facing families in which there may be members with special needs: positing a model for theatrical intervention. |
MA (Drama) |
Dinesh, Nandita |
2015 |
Grey Zones: perfomances, perspectives, and possibilities in Kashmir. |
PhD (Drama) |
Herbst, Rone |
2015 |
Considering rhythms of emotional proximity: an alternative approach to directing theatre in a violent society. |
MA (Drama) |
Mbele, Ongezwa |
2015 |
Township theatre-making as a developmental tool for Khayelitsha youth: an applied theatre study from an ethnographic perspective. |
MA (Drama) |
van Wyk,Klara |
2015 |
The Whiteface and the Auguste: the integration of structure and spontaneity in contemporary clown theatre performance. |
MA (Drama) |
Kawitzky, Roxy |
2016 |
Working theory: an analysis of the use and misuse performance tools. |
MA (Drama) |
Marrier D'unienville, Krystle |
2016 |
"Let's put on our teaching face": an investigation of teaching styles and their skillsets. |
MA (Drama) |
Mwange, Sepiso |
2016 |
Process drama: affecting the second language learning classroom. |
MA (Drama) |
Matchett, Sara |
2016 |
Breath-Body-Soul: An exploration of the body as a site for generating images of performance making. |
PhD (Theatre and Performance) |
Chinhanu, Chiedza Adelaide |
2017 |
Prison A/R/TOGRAPHY: the aesthetic of 'captive' masculinities. |
Master of Arts |
Nassimbeni, Francesco |
2017 |
Picture-making through performance - experiments in visual dramaturgy. |
Master of Arts |
Halligey, Alexandra |
2018 |
Of place and playmaking: working with everyday city spaces through theatre and performance. |
PhD (Theatre and Performance) |
Maedza, Pedzisai |
2018 |
Chains of memory in the postcolony: performing and remembering the Namibian genocide |
PhD (Theatre and Performance) |
Naicker, Kivithra |
2018 |
Questions for Amma. |
Master of Arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Muftic, Sanjin |
2019 |
The poetics of planetary theatre: image and bricolage. |
PhD(Theatre and Performance) |
Singh, Meghna |
2019 |
Visualising human migrations in Cape Town: the story of three ships through ‘time’, ‘space’ and ‘memory’. |
PhD(Theatre and Performance) |
Bhagat, Heeten |
2019 |
Speculative indigeneities: the [k]new now. |
PhD(Theatre and Performance) |
Batzofin, Jayne |
2019 |
THE CHILD AS DRAMATURG: investigating dramaturgical frameworks steered by child-centric sensibilities. |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Hartmann, Allisa-Zee |
2020 |
Negative Dramaturgies and the Development of Productive Negation. |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Chauke, Lesego |
2020 |
(Re)membering history: performative disinterment in post-TRC South African theatre-making. |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Manyaapelo, Jacqueline |
2020 |
DNA - Deconstructing Native Affairs: New Equations. |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Paredes, Miguel |
2020 |
Self/Scape: An Exploration of Belonging and Wayfaring. |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Maroga, Kopano |
2020 |
How to Disappear: Disidentification and biomythography as tools for queering and |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Jones, Danielle-Marie |
2020 |
Breaking my silence as a 'trained' dancer in post-apartheid South Africa. |
Master of arts (Theatre, Dance and Performance) |
Parker, Alan |
2020 |
Anarchival dance: choreographic archives and the disruption of knowledge. |
Master of arts (Theatre, Dance and Performance) |
Blum, Nomi |
2020 |
Master of arts |
Mangcu, Thando |
2021 |
The staging of black consciousness through sound and the tactical benefits of disappearing. |
Master of arts |
Plaatjie, Nwabisa |
2021 |
Exploring meaning in Xhalanga Blues: a theatre of ntsomi palimpsests encouraging sustainable storytelling. |
Master of arts |
Viljoen, Kanya |
2021 |
Ma, performing the White, Afrikaner Woman back to self. |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Glanville, Joanna |
2021 |
A scenographic approach to devising theatre. |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |
Dubazane, Mlondiwethu |
2021 |
Touching on the untouchable: contesting contemporary black South African masculinity and cultural identity through perfomance. |
Master of arts (Theatre and Performance) |