Research Data Management
When you:
you will have to work out how you will manage your research data.
How, exactly, will your data be:
Your Data Management Plan (DMP) is an integral part of your research strategy. In fact, submitting a DMP is now a requirement of most funding agencies. (You may want to view a summary of funders guidelines.)
There is a DMP online template that will help you with this, and will assist the UCT Libraries in providing you with appropriate data management and curation services, and ICTS in planning adequate storage to meet your needs.
The DMPonline template provides funder and department specific guidance tailored to your Data Management Plan (DMP) requirements to help you create successful applications and interim reports.
You will need to create an account in order to use DMPonline, this can be done via the website.
If you require further help with your DMP, please contact your Subject Librarian, department data manager or the eResearch Centre.
To add a funder specific data management plan to DMPonline please contact Erika Mias.
The UCT Libraries Digital Services section has further advice and detail at