In-text citing is the means by which you acknowledge the words or ideas of another in your essay. In the body of your essay, you would record the author's surname and the date of the publication:
You need to be ethical in dealing with patients (Kornblau, 2012).
This cite then links to your list of references at the end of your essay.
Only indicate the page number of your source if you make a direct quote. Direct quotes must be put in inverted commas, e.g.
“The dominant philosophical approach in contemporary science is postpositivism” (Hinshaw, 1999, p. 5).
When citing a source with one or two authors, include all the authors each time you cite that reference, e.g.
Ethics is a vital part of any curriculum (Benjamin & Curtis, 2010).
If the author's name is part of your sentence, do not repeat the name in your in-text citation, e.g.
Benjamin and Curtis (2010) are of the opinion that ethics is a vital part of any curriculum.
When citing a source with three or more authors, cite the first author followed by the term et al. from the first citation. e.g.
(Picker et al., 2002) – all citations
If you are citing different works by the same author, list them in date order
Single author/s: (Leininger, 2006, 2018).
If you are citing different works by same author and year, include a lowercase letter after the year. These letters are assigned when the references are placed in order in the reference list, i.e. alphabetically by article title.
(Blondaux & O’Hanrahan, 2018a)
Blondaux and O’Hanrahan (2018b)
If you need to cite two or more references, with different authors, in an in-text citation, order the citations alphabetically as they would appear in your reference list and separate the citations with semicolons
Different authors: (Chin & Kramer, 2019; Meleis, 2007)