You can find information on schools by place in the Western Cape Education Department's Find-a-School Facility. Information provided includes learner numbers, the number of different types of classroom and the average school fee.
Health statistics are almost impossible to find at a lower level than district council or metropolitan municipality. You may telephone health facilities in your communities, using the Western Cape Provincial Government's directory: Remember that health facilities seldom provide a health service for only that community and do not provide an inclusive service.
The Health Systems Trust receives funds from the Department of Health to produce publications such as the District Health Barometer. Shelf no. G 68 A.HEAL.DIST
The Department of Health has published only the 2012 volume of Annual health statistics. This publication has statistics by provinces, district councils and metropolitan municipalities. Some tables are broken further down to sub-districts and local municipalities.
Department of Cooperative Development and Traditional Affairs. District Development Model. See: Municipal Profiles. These include COVID-19 data.
Population statistics for specific places are found in the population census reports. We have these reports in print from 1911 for South Africa and from the 19th century for the colonies. The 1996, 2001 and 2011 population censuses have the local area statistics in databases, which we have loaded on PCs in this department. Statistics South Africa has an online version. (Registration required)
Statistics South Africa has summarised tables for the municipalities.
The City of Cape Town has summarised tables for the Cape Town metropolis by subcouncil, suburb and ward.
The Western Cape Provincial Treasury has published the Municipal economic review and outlook and Socio-economic reviews of municipalities from 2014 onwards. Shelf no. G PWC ED.TREA.MUNI
The South African Police Service provides crime statistics according to police stations. Be aware that the areas of responsibility of police stations do not coincide exactly with suburbs or settlements.
The Western Cape Department of Community Safety has issued Policing Needs and Priorities Cluster Reports since 2014.
The Western Cape Department of Community Safety published the Western Cape crime report, 2018/19 ; Provincial crime report, 2016/17: analysis of SAPS crime statistics, Western Cape Provincial crime analysis report, 2015/16 and the Western Cape crime overview : 2014/15 analysis of crime statistics as released by the South African Police Service on 29th September 2015 ; Western Cape crime overview : 2013/14 analysis of crime statistics as released by the South African Police Service on 19 September 2014.
Western Cape Department of Human Settlements. Human settlement demand study, 2015.