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Social Development: Government Information: Library Guide: Home

A guide to finding government information for Social Development students.


South Africa. Office of the Public Protector. Report no. 01 of 2024/25, Systematic Investigation into Administrative Deficiencies Relatong to Gender-Based Violence Within the South Africa Justice System. Pretoria: Public Protector South Africa, [June 2024.]

South Africa. Ministerial Task Team Appointed to Advise the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on Matters of Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence and Harm in South African Universities. Report of the Ministerial Task Team Appointed to Advise the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on Matters of Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence and Harm in South African Universities. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, May 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50665 (17 May 2024), Government notice no. 4843.

National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Act, 9 of 2024. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 50712 (27 May 2024), Government notice no. 4888.

Statistics South Africa. Profiling the socio-economic status and living arrangements of persons with disabilities in South Africa 2011–2022. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa, 2024. (Report No. 03-01-37)



Please note that the greater part of our collection was destroyed in the Jagger Library fire in 2021. Items received since then will have shelf numbers in green. You may request copies of documents through the Inter-Library Loans department. 

About this guide

This is a guide to government information for Social Development students. It includes pages on specific topics with catalogue records of publications in the Government Publications Department of UCT Libraries, on-line links to publications and links to websites. 

Please come in, phone or e-mail us for further assistance.

Laureen Rushby   Tel. 021 650 4686

About this Department

The Government Publications Department houses a central collection of government publications, including policy, legislation, statistics, public finance, parliamentary debates, government gazettes and planning publications. We collect publications from many African countries as well as regional inter-governmental organisations and some international governmental organisations.

We provide a specialised information service and can help you find publications and information in a wide range of electronic and print sources on a variety of topics.

We collect publications from the shelves for you. You may borrow loan copies of publications. Because government publications are primary sources one copy of each publication must stay in the library at all times. 

You may use government publications in the main part of the Library when we are closed, except for old material.


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Laureen Rushby
Tel. 021 650 4686