Web of Science covers approximately 34K+ journals in the areas of science, social science, arts and humanities.
It contains around 170 million records over the period from 1900 - present.
12M peer-reviewed full-text Open Access versions.
1.89B cited references.
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ISI Highly Cited Researchers, published by Thomson Reuters, is a database of highly cited scientific researchers going back to 1981. It contains biographical information on researchers and includes a full listing of publications by each author. The database can be searched by name, institution or area of research.
It is a free resource available at www.ISIhighlycited.com.
An author can use Web of Science to find out his/her total number of citations or to find citation counts for an individual article to determine how often it was cited.
Choose Search or Author Search.
Web of Science provides multidisciplinary coverage of over 12,300 high-impact journals, reports, conference proceedings and books. It covers Sciences well, but has a limited coverage for Social Sciences and Arts and Humanities.
If your publications are not indexed by Web of Science (WoS) it is possible to search the indexed journals, conference papers, books in WoS for citations to your publications using the 'Cited Reference' Search.
Web of Science offers ResearcherID where you can create a custom profile and track times cited counts and citation metrics for records found in Web of Science. With a unique identifier assigned to each author, you can eliminate author misindentification and view citation metrics.
Web of Science offers the option to 'Customize your Experience' (on the bottom right-hand side of the screen). You can register for free to enable you to save searches and create alerts and RSS feeds to assist you to keep up to date with your area of research.