Step 1. To register for ORCID account go to and select 'Register with ORCID' option
Step 2. Complete the registration form
Step 3. Once registered, verify your email
Step 4. Account creation will be confirmed
Step 5. Use the plus (+) sign to add content to a desired biography section
Step 6. To edit fields click on the pen icon
Step 7. Verify your email address. You will receive a verification email.
Step 10. Manage content visibility using, visibility icons (everyone, trusted parties or only me)
To link your ORCID iD to University of Cape Town (UCT), follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Use one of the options to add your publications to your ORCID account
Step 2: Add your research outputs by searching from various links
Step 3: Authorize your activity
Step 4: Select outputs with appropriate author name and affiliations
Step 5: Select the preferred profile name
Step 6: Review your authored publications and search for missing documents
Step 7: Review the Scopus profile
Step 8. Complete by sending your publications to ORCID
For one-on-one help contact your subject librarian.
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