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Early Childhood Development: Government Resources: Library Guide: Africa

A guide for Social Development students.


G 494 E.UNES.10.EARL   Early childhood care and education regional report : Africa.    Dakar, Sénégal :   UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization/Regional Bureau for Education in Africa :   BREDA,   c2010.

G 494 E.UNES.09.FOUR  International Conference on Early Childhood Care and Development (4th : 2009 :    Fourth African International Conference on Early Childhood Development :   from policy to action : expanding investment in ECD for sustainable development : 10-13 November 2009, Dakar, Senegal : conference programme /    [Dakar] :   The Working Group,   [2009]

UNESCO (2004). ECD Policy Development and Implementation in Africa (Early Childhood and Family Policy Series N° 9 - 2004)


G 6873 E.EDUC.01.EARL   Early childhood care and education policy, 2001.    [Gaborone] :   Division of Pre-School, Department of Primary Education,   [2001].


Congo (Brazzaville). Politique nationale de développement intégré de la petite enfance, 2022-2030. [Brazzaville]: UNICEF Congor, [January 2023.]


Ethiopia. Ministry of Health. National Health Sector Strategic Plan for Early Childhood Development in Ethiopia 2020/21-2024/25. Addis Ababa: Ministry of Health, October 2020.

Ethiopia. National Early Childhood Growth, Development, Care, and Education Policy. Addis Ababa: [published not specified,] December 2020.

Ethiopia. Ministry of Education. National policy framework for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Ethiopia. [Addis Ababa]: Ministry of Education; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Women's Affairs, 2010. 

Ethiopia. Ministry of Education. Strategic Operational Plan and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care and Education in Ethiopia.  [Addis Ababa]: Ministry of Education; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Women's Affairs, 2010. 

Site: Early Childhood Education, Ethiopia. ECCE Policy


G 6651 E.PRES.03.NATI   A national policy for integrated early childhood development in the Gambia.    Gambia :   Government of the Gambia,   2003.


Kenya. Laws of Kenya. The Early Childhood Education Act No. 3 of 2021. [Nairobi]: National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney-General, 2021.

Kenya. Ministry of Education. State Department of Basic Education. National pre-primary education policy. [Nairobi: Ministry of Education,] August 2017. 

Kenya. National early childhood development policy framework, 2006. Nairobi: Ministry of Education, Directorate of Basic Education, 2006.

Kenya. Ministry of Education, issuing body.    Early childhood development service standard guidelines for Kenya /    [Nairobi] :   Republic of Kenya, [Ministry of Education],   2006. G 6762 E.EDUC.06.EARL


Ministry of Education and Training. National Policy for Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development, 19 November 2013 

Lesotho. Ministry of Education and Training, issuing body.    National policy for integrated early childhood care and development.    Maseru, Lesotho :   Ministry of Education and Training,   November 2013. Shelf no. G 6871 E.EDUC.13.NATI

Ministry of Education and Training. National Strategic Plan for Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development 2013/2014 – 2017/2018 


Malawi. Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare. National policy on early childhood development. Lilongwe: Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare, March 2017.

National Strategic Plan for Early Childhood Development 2009 - 2014

Malawi. Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare, author, issuing body.    ECD mentors guide.    Lilongwe, Malawi :   Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare,   2015. Shelf no. G 6897 E.GEND.15.ECDM

G 6897 E.CHIL.06.NATI   Malawi. Ministry of Women and Child Development and Nation Child Protection.    National policy on early childhood development /    Lilongwe :   Ministry of Women and Child Development,   2006.

G 6897 E.GEND.03.NATI   Malawi.    National policy on early childhood development :   the first few years of a child's life last forever : poverty reduction must start with children.    Lilongwe :   Ministry of Gender and Community Services,   [2003]

G 6897 E.GEND.03.PROG   Programme document for Integrated Early Childhood Development (IECD) for Malawi /    [Lilongwe] :   Ministry of Gender and Community Services :   UNICEF,   [2003]


Namibia. Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare. National integrated early childhood development policy.   Windhoek, Namibia :  Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare,   2007. Shelf no. G 688 E.GEND.07.NATI 

G 688 E.WOME.02.INTE   Remmelzwaal, Catherine.    Integrated early childhood development :   a baseline study on maternal and child care practices and resources in Namibia /    [Namibia] :   Ministry of Women Affairs & Child Welfare :   Unicef Namibia,   2002.

G 688 E.REGI.00.INSE   In search of early childhood care and development (ECCD) indicators :   a contribution to the EFA 2000 assessment - the Namibian case /    [Windhoek? :   Ministry of Regional, Local Government and Housing?],   2000.

Namibia. Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, UNICEF. Telling the integrated early childhood development story. 2017. Shelf no. G 688 E.UNIC.17.TELL



Ministry of Education. Integrated early childhood development strategic plan 2011/12 – 2015/16

Ministry of Education. Early childhood development policy (2011)

Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion. Early childhood development policy. 2016.

Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion. National early childhood development policy strategic plan 2016-2012. 2016.


Somaliland. Ministry of Education and Science. Early Childhood Education Policy and Institutional Framework. [Hargeisa]: Ministry of Education and Science, March 2020

Sub-Saharan Africa

Garcia, Marito, Alan Pence and Judith L. Evans, editors. Africa's future, Africa's challenges : early childhood care and development in sub-Saharan Africa. Washington, DC : the World Bank, 2008.


Tanzania. Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children. National Multi-Sectoral Early Childhood Development Programme (Nm-Ecdp) 2021/22 – 2025/26. [Dar es Salaam]:  Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, December 2021.

National Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Stakeholders’ Forum, 3rd and 4th December 2018 Dodoma, Tanzania


National Integrated Early Childhood Development (NIECD) Secretariat. "established in September, 2016 under the Youth and Children Affairs Department at the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development."

Ejuu, Godfrey. The status of implementation of the education sector early childhood development in Uganda : final report. Kampala : Uganda National Commission for UNESCO, 2012.

Kistamah, Soonita, author.    The national development plan (NDP) II and programme-based budgeting :   budgeting for early childhood development /    Kampala :   National Planning Authority,   [2015?]. G 6761 E.PLAN.15.NATI

Smith, W. Glenn. Early childhood education and peacebuilding in areas of ongoing conflict and refugee settlements in Western Uganda : achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. Nairobi, Kenya: UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, 2015? Shelf no. G 494 E.UNIC.15.EARL

Smith, W. Glenn. Early childhood education and peacebuilding in postconflict Northern and Eastern Uganda : achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. Nairobi, Kenya: UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, 2015? Shelf no. G 494 E.UNIC.15.EARL

Uganda. Ministry of Education and Sports. The early childhood development (ECD) policy.    Kampala :   Ministry of Education and Sports,   October 2007. G 6761 E.EDUC.07.EARL

Uganda. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development. The national integrated early childhood development policy action plan of Uganda (2016-2021). Kampala : Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, March 2016. Shelf no. G 6761 E.SOCI.16.NATI

Uganda. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development. The national integrated early childhood development policy of Uganda. Kampala: Uganda. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, March 2016. Shelf no. G 6761 E.SOCI.16.NATI

Uganda. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development. National integrated early childhood development policy of Uganda. Popular version. Kampala: Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, August 2016

Uganda National Commission for UNESCO. The Status of Implementation of the Education Sector Early Childhood Development Policy in Uganda: final report. December 30, 2012

World Bank. Systems Approach for Better Education Results. Uganda : early childhood development. [Washington, D.C.] : The World Bank, 2012. (SABER country report 2012)
