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Early Childhood Development: Government Resources: Library Guide: Policies, plans and strategies

A guide for Social Development students.


South Africa. National Development Planning Commission. Effective cross-departmental and inter-governmental coordination in early childhood development: the first step in developing the ECD sectoral strategy for the 2024-2029 Medium-Term National Development Plan. [Pretoria: National Development Planning Commission, 2024]

South Africa. Department of Basic Education. South Africa’s 2030 Strategy for Early Childhood Development Programmes: Every Child MattersPretoria: Department of Basic Education, 2023. 

South Africa. Department of Basic Education. Outline of a human resources development strategy for early childhood development based on the national integrated early childhood development policy. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, April 2018.


South Africa. Department of Social Development. South African Integrated Programme for Early Childhood Development: Moving Ahead (2013/14-2016/17)  Extended to 2018.

South Africa. Department of Women, Children and Persons with Disabilities. South African Integrated Programme of Action for Early Childhood Development IPAECD) 2013-2018. This reference is cited, but I cannot trace it online or in a library. It may be an error.

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Progress report on the South African Integrated Programme for Early Childhood Development: Moving Ahead (2013-2018)


South Africa. Department of Social Development. National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy, 2015. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2015. Shelf no. G 68 E.SOCI.15.NATI. Approval by Cabinet in Government Gazette no. 41132 (22 September 2017), Notice no. 1037.

South Africa. Department of Social Development. National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy: Questions & Answers.  Pretoria: Department of Social Development. 2015?

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Draft National Early Childhood Development Policy of the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, March 2015. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 38558 (13 March 2015), Government notice no. 204. 

South Africa. Dept. of Education
   Interim policy for early childhood development / Department of Education. --    [Pretoria? : The Dept?, 1996?]

   2, 4, 25, 4, 25 p. ; 30 cm

Buthelezi, Qedusizi.    The SABC Education Department's policy and principles for early childhood development language /    [Johannesburg :   South African Broadcasting Corporation],   2002. G 68 E.COMM.02.SABC


Draft policies

Department of Social Development ; UNICEF. Draft national early childhood development policy of the Republic of South Africa. South Africa. Government gazette no. 38558 (13 March 2015), Government notice no. 204. 

Martin, Patricia, Lizette Berry, Linda Biersteker, Chris Desmond, David Harrison, Sara Naicker, Linda Richter, Haroon Salojee & Wiedaad Slemming. Draft full report : national early childhood development policy. Human Sciences Research Council, 2014.

Education policies

South Africa. Dept. of Education

   Education white paper 5 on early childhood development meeting the challenge of early childhood development in South Africa. Department of Education. --    Pretoria : Government Printer, 2001. In: Government Gazette no. 22756 (17 October 2001), Government notice 1043. Access in Sabinet's Government Gazettes database. 

South Africa. Department of Education.  Education white paper 5 on early childhood development meeting the challenge of early childhood education in South Africa. Pretoria: Department of Education, May 2001. 

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy on Minimum Requirements for Programmes Leading to Qualifications in Higher Education for Early Childhood Development Educators. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2017. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.17.POLI

Policy briefs

South Africa. National Development Agency. Policy brief. Early childhood development policies. Parktown, Johannesburg:  National Development Agency, October 2016.

South Africa. National Development Agency. Policy brief: Effective ECD programmes. Parktown, Johannesburg:  National Development Agency, September 2016. 

Genesis Analytics, UNICEF, Department of Basic Education. Evaluation of the South Africa National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy. Johannesburg: Genesis Analytics, January 2024. (Policy brief)

Policies: Provincial

Gauteng (South Africa). Dept. of Education.    Transforming ECD in Gauteng :   draft early childhood development : ECD policy / Gauteng Provincial Government, Department of Education.    Pretoria :   Government Printer,   2001. GPGA E.EDUC.01.TRAN

Mpumalanga (South Africa). Department of Education. Grade R early childhood development policy.

Policies: Local

City of Cape Town (South Africa). Social Development and Early Childhood Development Directorate (2013). Early childhood development policy (policy number 12398A)

City of Cape Town (South Africa). Council.  Early childhood development land use policy: the City of Cape Town. [Cape Town : The Council,] 2013.

City of Cape Town (South Africa).
   Early childhood development (EDC) policy : draft / City of Cape Town. --    [Cape Town : City of Cape Town, 2011].

City of Cape Town. Social Development and Early Childhood Development Department. [Draft] City of Cape Town early childhood development strategy. Cape Town: Social Development and Early Childhood Development Department, circa 2007.

City of Cape Town (South Africa). Planning and Environment Directorate (2003). Policy for early childhood development centres (ecd centres)

Drakenstein. Early childhood development (ECD) policy. Paarl : Drakenstein Municipality, 2014.


Report on national ECD policies and programmes. Pretoria: Department of Education, May 2001.