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Early Childhood Development: Government Resources: Library Guide: ECD Practitioners

A guide for Social Development students.


South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy on Minimum Requirements for Programmes Leading to Qualifications in Higher Education for Early Childhood Development Educators. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2017. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.17.POLI


South Africa. Department of Basic Education. Human Resources Development Strategy for Early Childhood Development: based on the National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, 2018.

Legislation and regulations


National Development Agency. Management of leadership in ECD. August 2016.


Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority. Early childhood development subsector skills plan, 2020-2021. [Johannesburg: ETDP SETA, 2020.]

Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority. Early childhood development sector skills plan, 2019-2020 update. [Johannesburg: ETDP SETA, 2019.]

Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority. Early childhood development sector skills plan, 2018-2020 update. [Johannesburg: ETDP SETA, 2018.]

Education Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority (2012). Early childhood development sector skills plan, 2013/2014 update

Motala, Shirin (2012). A critical review of research on skills development and labour market demand in the early childhood development sector (0-4 years) Pretoria : Labour Market Intelligence Partnership HSRC, June 2012. (LMIP Working paper 12)