UNICEF South Africa. COVID-19 situation reports.
Government Notice No. 762 (10 July 2020). Department of Social Development. Directions issued in terms of Regulation 4(5) and (10) of the Regulations made under Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002): Measures to Prevent and Combat the Spread of COVID-19: Phased Return of Children to Early Childhood Development Programmes and Partial Care Facilities.
South Africa. Department of Social Development. Circular regarding preparation and planning for the re-opening of early childhood development programmes and/or partial care facilities that provide an after-school service, subject to the announcement of a date by the Minister of Social Development. Pretoria: South Africa. Department of Social Development, 21 June 2020.
South Africa. Department of Social Development. Standard operating procedures and guidelines for an early childhood development programme and/or partial care facility that provides an after-school service on measures to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 23 June 2020.
South Africa. Department of Social Development. Early childhood development programmes. A quick guide to: arrivals, entry and collections. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2020.
South Africa. Department of Social Development. Early childhood development programmes. A quick guide to: face masks, hand washing, sanitation and storage. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2020.
South Africa. Department of Social Development. Early childhood development programmes. A quick guide to: food preparation and mealtimes. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2020.
South Africa. Department of Social Development. Early childhood development programmes. A quick guide to: general safety measures. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2020.
Note: NIDS is an initiative of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME).
Wills, Gabrielle, Janeli Kotze, Jesal Kika-Mistry. Early Childhood Development and lockdown in South Africa: an update using NIDS-CRAM wave 3. [Rondebosch] : National Income Dynamics Study, 17 February 2021.. (Wave 3 National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS), Corona Virus Rapid Mobile Survey (CRAM) ; no. 12)
Wills, Gabrielle, Janeli Kotze, Jesal Kika-Mistry. A Sector Hanging in the Balance: ECD and Lockdown in South Africa. [Rondebosch] : National Income Dynamics Study, 30 September 2020. (Wave 2 National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS), Corona Virus Rapid Mobile Survey (CRAM) ; no. 15)
Flynn, Kamesh. COVID-19 policy responses to early childhood development (ECD). Human Sciences Research Council Webinar, 18 August 2020.