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Poverty in South Africa: Government Resources: Library Guide: Home


Statistics South Africa. National Poverty Lines, 2024. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa, August 2024.

City of Cape Town. City of Cape Town Strategy to reduce Rough Sleeping, 2024: Draft.

Statistics South Africa. Subjective Poverty in South Africa: Findings from the General Household Surveys, 2019 and 2022. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa, 2024.(Report no. 03-18-25)

Statistics South Africa. Sustainable Development Goals: Country Report 2023: South Africa. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa, 2023. 

Hall, Katharine, Paula Proudlock & Debbie Budlender. Reducing Child Poverty A review of child poverty and the value of the Child Support Grant: Report. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2023. Choose category: Documents, scroll down to Reducing Child Poverty. 

Expert Panel on Basic Income Support. Supplementary Modelling Report: Report Into the Appropriateness and Feasibility of a System of Basic Income Support for South Africa. A report produced under the supervision of the International Labour Organisation for the Department of Social Development and the South African Government. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, November 2022. 



Short reviews

South Africa. Towards a 25 year review, 1994-2019. [Pretoria: The Presidency, 2020?]

South Africa. Presidency, author.    Twenty year review :   South Africa, 1994 - 2014, 3.2.1. Income, poverty and inequality & 3.3.2. Social protection measures.    [Pretoria :   The Presidency,   2014]. G 68 E.PRES.14.TWEN

South Africa. Presidency, author. Twenty year review : South Africa, 1994-2014. Background paper: income, poverty and inequality. [Pretoria :   The Presidency,   2014].


Please note that the greater part of our collection was destroyed in the Jagger Library fire in 2021. Items received since then will have shelf numbers in green. You may request copies of documents through the Inter-Library Loans department. 


The key government agencies involved in efforts to alleviate and eradicate poverty are:

The Presidency

Department of Social Development

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)

National Development Agency (NDA)

These agencies publish regular annual reports, annual performance plans and strategic plans. Their "budget speeches" may be useful..


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Laureen Rushby
Tel. 021 650 4686