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Poverty in South Africa: Government Resources: Library Guide: Child poverty

Children. Statistics. South Africa

Children. South Africa. Statistics

Measures of Child Poverty Project

University of Oxford. Centre for Analysis of South African Social Policy. Measures of Child Poverty Project for the Department of Social Development: (Site deleted.) Archived under Publications, Reports by theme: Indices of Deprivation and Poverty and Soclal Exclusion.)

Barnes, Helen (2009). A better life for children in South Africa : children's election manifestos.

Barnes, Helen (2009). Child poverty in South Africa : a money metric approach using the Community Survey 2007 (Key report 1)

Barnes, Helen (2009). Child poverty in South Africa : a socially perceived necessities approach (Key report 2)

Barnes, Helen (2009). Children's views of an acceptable standard of living for children in South Africa (Key report 3)

Barnes, Helen, Gemma Wright, Michael Noble and Andrew Dawes (2007). The South African index for multiple deprivation for children: Census 2001.

Barnes, Helen, Lucie Cluver and Gemma Wright. Findings from the Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion Project: childrenPretoria : Department of Social Development, 2006. (Key report 5)

Wright, Gemma, Helen Barnes, Michael Noble and Andrew Dawes (2009). The South African index of multiple deprivation for children 2001 at datazone level

Wright, Gemma, Michael Noble, Helen Barnes and Stefan Noble (2009). The South African index of multiple deprivation for children 2007 at municipality level. Pretoria : Department of Social Development.


Hall, Katharine, Paula Proudlock & Debbie Budlender. Reducing Child Poverty: a review of child poverty and the value of the Child Support Grant: Report. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2023. 

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Vulnerability of children and poor families to the economic recession of 2008-2009. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.SOCI.10.VULN

UNICEF South Africa and the Financial and Fiscal Commission of South Africa. The impact of the international financial crisis on child poverty in South Africa. [Pretoria]: UNICEF South Africa, 2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.FINA.10.IMPA

University of Stellenobosch. Department of Economics. Research on Socio-Economic Policy. Poverty traps and social exclusion among children in South Africa : report to the South African Human Rights Commission. Pretoria, South: SAHRC and UNICEF, 2014. Shelf no. G 68 E.HUMA.14.POVE


Statistics South Africa. Marginalised groups indicator report, 2018 onwards. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa (Report no. 03-19-05) Shelf no. G 68 A.MARG s.2022/5 (2019 onwards)

Statistics South Africa. Child Poverty in South Africa: a Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa, June 2020. (Report no. 03-10-22)

United Nations Children's Fund. Child Poverty in South Africa: a Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis: Summary. Pretoria: UNICEF, July 2020.

Statistics South Africa. Men, women and children: findings of the Living Conditions Survey, 2014/15. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2018 (Report  03-10-02)

Statistics South Africa. Men, women and children : findings of the Living Conditions Survey, 2008/2009. Pretoria: Statistics South Africa, 2013. Shelf no. G 68 A.POVE.13.MENW

South Africa’s young children: their family and home environment, 2012. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2013.

Book chapters

Noble, Michael, Gemma Wright and Lucie Cluver. Chapter 3, Conceptualising, defining and measuring child poverty in South Africa : an arguement for a multidimensional approach, pages 53-71. Monitoring child well-being :   a South African rights-based approach. Cape Town, South Africa :   HSRC Publishers,   2007. Shelf no. G 68 E.HSRC.07.MONI

Wright, Gemma, Michael Noble and Wiseman Magasela. Chapter 9, Child poverty and social exclusion in South Africa IN: South African social attitudes, 2nd report : reflections on the age of hope. Cape Town: HSRC Press, 2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.HSRC.10.SOUT