Statistics South Africa. Social profile of vulnerable groups in South Africa, 2002-2012. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2013. (Report No. 03-19-00) G 68 A.SOCI.13.SOCI
Statistics South Africa. Social profile of vulnerable groups in South Africa, 2002-2011. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2012. (Report No. 03-19-00)
Statistics South Africa. Social profile of vulnerable groups in South Africa, 2002-2010. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2011. (Report No. 03-19-00) G 68 A.SOCI.11.SOCI
Statistics South Africa. Social profile of South Africa, 2002-2009. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2010. (Report No. 03-19-00)
Statistics South Africa. Vulnerable groups indicator report, 2016, 2015, 2014. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa. (Report No. 13-09-02)
Statistics South Africa. Child series, Volume III, Reported crime against children, 2022/23. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2024 (Report No. 92-02-03). See also Excel sheets.
Statistics South Africa. Child series, Volume II, Crimes against children. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2024 (Report No. 92-02-02)
Statistics South Africa. Child series, Volume I. Children exposed to maltreatment, 2021. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2023 (Report No. 92-02-01)
Statistics South Africa. Marginalised groups indicator report, 2018 onwards. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa (Report no. 03-19-05) Shelf no. G 68 A.MARG s.2022/5 (2019 onwards)
Statistics South Africa. Demographic Profile of Adolescents in South Africa. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2018 (Report 03-00-10)
Statistics South Africa. Men, women and children: findings of the Living Conditions Survey, 2014/15. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2018 (Report 03-10-02)
Statistics South Africa. Vulnerable groups series III report : the social profile of children aged 7-17 years, 2002-2016. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2018. (Report 03-19-04) Shelf no. G 68 A.SOCI.18 VULN
Statistics South Africa. Vulnerable groups indicator report, 2016, 2015, 2014. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa. (Report No. 13-09-02)
South Africa's young children : their family and home environment, 2012. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2013. G 68 A.CHIL.13.SOUT
Levels and trends of morbidity and mortality among children aged under-five years in South Africa, 2006-2010. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2012. (Report 03-09-10)
Men, women and children : findings of the Living Conditions Survey, 2008/2009. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2013. (Report ; no. 03-10-02 (2008/2009)) G 68 A.POVE.13.MENW