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Children: Government Resources: Library Guide: Swaziland


G 6872 E.UNIC.07.REAL   Real life stories of Swazi children.    [Mbabane?] :   UNICEF Swaziland,   [2007?]

G 6872 E.EDUC.06.REPO   Report for [i.e. of] Portfolio Committee of the Ministry of Education :   looking into the non payment of school fees for OVCs.  [Mbabane, Swaziland :   Parliament of Swaziland,   2006]

G 6872 E.UNIC.09.SITU   A situation and needs assessment of child headed households in drought prone areas of Swaziland :   key findings /    [Mbabane, Swaziland] :   United Nations Children's Fund,   2009.

G 6872 E.ECON.02.SOCI                 Swaziland. Poverty Reduction Task Force.    Social protection of vulnerable children including orphans /    [Mbabane, Swaziland :   Poverty Reduction Task Force, Ministry of Economic Planning and Development],   2002

Swaziland. Poverty Reduction Task Force.    Social protection of vulnerable children including orphans : project implementation manual. Mbabane, Swaziland :   Poverty Reduction Task Force, Ministry of Economic Planning and Development],   2002.

Swaziland. Poverty Reduction Task Force.    Social protection of vulnerable children including orphans : project implementation manual. Mbabane, Swaziland :   Poverty Reduction Task Force, Ministry of Economic Planning and Development],   2002.


G 6872 E.UNIC.06.NATI  Swaziland.    National plan of action for orphans and vulnerable children :   2006-2010.    [Mbabane, Swaziland :   s.n.,   2006?]



Standards for quality service delivery to orphans and vulnerable children in Swaziland,  November 2012.    [Swaziland] :   Pact-Swaziland,   [2012]  G 6872 E.PRIM.12.STAN