We have print editions of the consolidated Statutes of South Africa as well as current databases.
Be aware that Acts found on the Internet, e.g, on South Africa Online are individual acts not the consolidated versions including amendments.
Children's Act 38 of 2005, as amended.
Subscription databases:
LexisNexis Online (South Africa)
National Legislation (NetLaw) via Sabinet Legal
SA Statutes via Juta Law
Open access:
Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII)
University of Pretoria. Laws of South Africa: Consolidated Legislation; choose Current Legislation; then Family; then Children's Act 38 of 2005. Currently unavailable, January 2025. (Currently unavailable, January 2025.)
You may use Bills published on South Africa Online or the Parliamentary Bills database.Read the Parliamentary Debates and the deliberations, briefings, and public hearings of Committees on Bills on the Parliamentary Monitoring Group website.
Secondary legislation is published in the Government Gazettes as Regulations. There is an online Government Gazettes database. Laws of South Africa also has regulations.
University of Cape Town. Children's Institute. Children's Act
Children's Act 38 of 2005, as amended.
Department of Social Development, UNICEF. The Children's Act explained. Booklet 1, Children and parents: rights and responsibilities. 2009.
Department of Social Development, UNICEF. The Children's Act explained. Booklet 2, Prevention, intervention and care. 2009.
Department of Social Development, UNICEF. The Children's Act explained. Booklet 3, The courts and the protection of children. 2009.
4Chakras Consulting, Department of Social Development. Norms, standards and practice guidelines for the Children's Act. Pretoria : Department of Social Development, May 2010.
Children's Act Regulations RGN 261, SA Government gazette no. 33076 (29 June 2012)
Child Justice Act 75 of 2008
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996
Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004
Social Assistance Act 59 of 1992
Maintenance Act 99 of 1998
Films and Publications Act 65 of 1996
Criminal procedure Act 51 of 1977
Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters Amendment Act 32 of 2007
Prevention and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act 70 of 2008
Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Amendment Act 6 of 2010
Births and Deaths Registration Act 51 of 1992
Correctional Services Act 111 of 1998
Refugess Act 130 of 1998
Wills Act 7 of 1953
Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act No. 110 of 1978). Regulations for child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, and student child and youth care workers, Govt. notice R.838, Govt. gazette no. 38135 (31 Oct. 2014)
Adopted children
South African Law Commission. Review of the law of succession : formalities of a will, alteration and revocation of wills, disqualifications from inheriting, substitution and the succession rights of adopted children : report. [Pretoria] : The Commission, 1991. G 68 JLC 22
AIDS discrimination
South African Law Commission. Aspects of the law relating to AIDS : HIV/AIDS and discrimination in schools / [Pretoria : The Commission, 1997]. G 68 JLC 85 (DP 73)
South African Law Commission.HIV/AIDS and discrimination in schools : third interim report on aspects of the law relating to AIDS. [Pretoria : The Commission], 1998. G 68 JLC 85
Child abduction
South African Law Commission. Accession to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction : report. {Pretoria : The Commission}, 1991. G 68 JLC 80
Child Care Act
South African Law Commission. Review of the Child Care Act : report and draft Children's Bill. Pretoria : The Commission, 2002. G 68 JLC 110
South African Law Commission. Review of the Child Care Act : report : executive summary / Pretoria : The Commission, 2002. G 68 JLC 110
South African Law Commission. Review of the Child Care Act. Pretoria : The Commission, 2002. G 68 JLC 110 (DP 103)
South African Law Commission. The review of the Child Care Act : first issue paper, 18 April 1998 / [Pretoria] : South African Law Commission, 1998 G 68 JLC 110(IP 13)
Child justice
South African Law Commission. Juvenile justice / [Pretoria : The Commission, 1998?]. G 68 JLC 106(DP 79)
South African Law Commission. Project Committee on Juvenile Justice. Draft Child Justice Bill : as proposed for comment . [Pretoria? : The Commission?, 1999?]. G 68 JLC.106 DP 79
Child witnesses
South African Law Commission. The protection of child witnesses : report / {Pretoria : The Commission}, 1991. G 68 JLC 71
Illegitimate children
South African Law Commission. A father's rights in respect of his illegitimate child. [Pretoria : The Commission], 1993. G 68 JLC 79(WP 44)
South African Law Commission. A father's rights in respect of his illegitimate child : report. [Pretoria : The Commission], 1994. G 68 JLC 79
South African Law Commission. Investigation into the legal position of illegitimate children. [Pretoria] : The Commission, [1984]. G 68 JLC 38(WP 7)
Sexual offences against children
South African Law Commission. Sexual offences against children. [Pretoria : The Commission], 1997. G 68 JLC 108(IP 10)
Visitation rights
South African Law Commission. Access to minor children by interested persons : report / [Pretoria : South African Law Commission], 1996. G 68 JLC 100
South African Law Commission. The granting of visitation rights to grandparents of minor children. Pretoria : The Commission, [1996] G 68 JLC 100(WP)