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Children: Government Resources: Library Guide: South Africa

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)

Department of Health. National consolidated guidelines for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and the management of HIV in children, adolescents and adults. Pretoria : Department of Health, 2014.

G 68 E.HEAL.12.EVAL   Goga, Ameena    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the National Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Programme measured at six weeks postpartum in South Africa, 2010 /    [South Africa :   Medical Research Council?],   2012.

G 68 E.HEAL.08.POLI   South Africa. Dept. of Health. Policy and guidelines for the implementation of the PMTCT Programme /    [Pretoria? :   Department of Health?],   2008.

G 68 E.HSRC.04.ASSE   Desmond, C    Assessing the costs of a rural PMTCT pilot site in the Eastern Cape /    Cape Town :   Human Sciences Research Council,   2004.

G 68 E.HEAL.02.CHAN   Besser, Mitchell.    Changing obstetric practices in the context of HIV :   an evaluation of service provision in the national PMTCT learning sites /    [Durban? :   Health Systems Trust ;   Pretoria? :   Department of Health] ,   2002.

G 68 E.HEAL.00.PREV   South Africa. Dept. of Health. Directorate: HIV/AIDS and STD.    Prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission and mamanagemenof [sic] HIV positive pregnant women /    [Pretoria] :   Department of Health,   c2000.


G 68 E.HEAL.04.CHIL   Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation.    Child sexual abuse and HIV/AIDS in South Africa :   a review /    Johannesburg :   Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation ,   c2004.

G 68 E.HSRC.05.HIVR   HIV risk exposure among young children :   a study of 2-9 year olds served by public health facilities in the Free State, South Africa /    Cape Town :   HSRC Press,   2005.

G 68 E.HSRC.04.FAMI   Richter, Linda M.    Family and community interventions for children affected by AIDS /    Cape Town :   HSRC,   2004.

G 68 E.HEAL.04.CIRC   South Africa. Dept. of Health. Khomanani Campaign.    Circles of support for our children /    [South Africa :   Jacana for the Department of Health,   2004].

G 68 E.HEAL.01.IMPA   Johnson, Leigh    The impact of AIDS on orphanhood in South Africa :   a quantitative analysis /    Cape Town :   Centre for Actuarial Research, University of Cape Town,   2001.


South Africa. Department of Health (2014). Blueprint for action: keeping children alive and healthy in South Africa: paediatric and adolescent (0-19 years) HIV and TB integrating prevention, early identification of HIV and link to treatment, care and support, 2012-2016.

G 68 E.EDUC.10.DRAF   South Africa. Dept. of Basic Education.    Draft integrated strategy on HIV and AIDS, 2012-2016 :   full report /    Pretoria :   Department of Basic Education,   2010.

South Africa. Dept. of Social Development.    National action plan for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS in South Africa, 2009-2012.

G 68 E.SOCI.05.NATI   South Africa. Dept. of Social Development.    National action plan for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS in South Africa :   2006-2008 /    16 leaves ;   30 cm.

G 68 E.SOCI.00.DRAF   South Africa. Dept. of Social Development.    A draft national strategic framework for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS /    [Pretoria :   Dept. of Social Development,   2000].


Department of Health. Psychosocial support (PSS) for children and adolescents infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.

G 68 E.HEAL.05.GUID   South Africa. Dept. of Health.  Guidelines for the management of HIV-infected children /    [Pretoria?] :   Department of Health,   c2005.

G 68 E.HEAL.03.PREA   Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation.    Pre- and post- HIV test counselling for children :   guidelines for counsellors /    Johannesburg :   Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation,   c2003.

G 68 E.HEAL.03.WOME   Women, children and HIV and AIDS :   Soul City HIV and AIDS pack.    Johannesburg :   Soul City,   [2003?].

G 68 E.SOCI.02.NATI   South Africa. Dept. of Social Development.    National guidelines for social services to children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS /    [Pretoria :   Department of Social Development,   2002?].

G 68 E.HEAL.01.RIGH   The rights of children and youth infected by HIV/AIDS :   trainers' handbook /    Arcadia, South Africa :   Save the Children (UK),   2001.

G 68 E.HEAL.00.MANA   South Africa. Dept. of Health. Directorate: HIV/AIDS and STD.    Managing HIV in children /    [Pretoria] :   HIV/AIDS and STD Directorate, Dept. of Health,   c2000.


G 68 E.HSRC.10.SOUT   South African national HIV prevalence, incidence, behaviour and communication survey, 2008 :   the health of our children /    Cape Town, South Africa :   HSRC Press,   2010.

G 68 E.HSRC.04.NATI   Brookes, Heather.    The national household HIV prevalence and risk survey of South African children /    Cape Town :   HSRC,   c2004.

Literature review

G 68 E.HSRC.07.HIVA   Deacon, Harriet.    HIV/AIDS, stigma and children :   a literature review /    Cape Town :   HSRC Press,   2007.


G 68 E.EDUC.03.DEVE   Develop an HIV and Aids plan for your school :   a guide for school governing bodies and management teams /    [Pretoria :   Department of Education,   2003].

G 68 E.EDUC.03.HIVA   HIV and AIDS in your school :   what parents need to know /    [Pretoria :   Department of Education,   2003].

G 68 E.EDUC.99.NATI   South Africa. Dept. of Education    National policy on HIV/AIDS, for learners and educators in public schools, and students and educators in further education and training institutions /    Pretoria :   Govt. Printer,   1999.

G 68 JLC 85   South African Law Commission. HIV/AIDS and discrimination in schools :   third interim report on aspects of the law relating to AIDS /    [Pretoria :   The Commission],   1998.

G 68 JLC 85 (DP 73) South African Law Commission. Aspects of the law relating to AIDS :   HIV/AIDS and discrimination in schools /    [Pretoria :   The Commission,   1997].


G 68 E.SOCI.02.CALL   South Africa. Dept. of Social Development.    A call to co-ordinated action for children affected by HIV/AIDS :   conference report (final) /    [Pretoria :   Department of Social Development,   2002].