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Statistics South Africa. Child series, Volume II, Crimes against children. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2024 (Report No. 92-02-02)

South African Human Rights Commission. Eastern Cape Provincial Office: SAHRC Provincial Inquiry into Child Malnutrition and the Right to Food EC/2122/0409, August 2022. Pretoria: South African Human Rights Commission, November 2023.

Eswatini. Deputy Prime Minister's Office. National Children Services Department. National Plan of Action for Children in Eswatini, 2023-2027. Mbabane: Deputy Prime Minister's Office, January 2023. 

Hall, Katharine, Paula Proudlock & Debbie Budlender. Reducing Child Poverty A review of child poverty and the value of the Child Support Grant: Report. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2023.

Statistics South Africa. Child series, Volume I. Children exposed to maltreatment, 2021. Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2023 (Report No. 92-02-01)



UNICEF publications catalogue

UNICEF. Knowledge for Children in Africa : 2019 Publications Catalogue. Nairobi, Kenya: UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, 2019.

UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office. Knowledge for Children in Eastern and Southern Africa : 2015 Publications Catalogue.  Nairobi, Kenya: UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, 2015. Shelf no. G 494 E.UNIC.15.KNOW


Please note that the greater part of our collection was destroyed in the Jagger Library fire in 2021. Items received since then or replaced will have shelf numbers in green. You may request copies of documents through the Inter-Library Loans department. 

About this guide

This is a guide to government information on children. It includes catalogue records of publications in the Government Publications Department of UCT Libraries, on-line links to publications and links to websites. 

Please come in, phone or e-mail me for further assistance.

Laureen Rushby   Tel. 021 650 4686



UNICEF. Office of Research-Innocenti. COVID-19 & Children: Rapid Research Response

Subject Guide

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Laureen Rushby
Tel. 021 650 4686