The relevant act is the Social Assistance Act. To see the act and the regulations (secondary legislation) relating to child care grants choose the Netlaw database from UCT Libraries list of databases. Type 'child care grant' in the Keyword field and 'social assistance' in the Act/Regulation Title field and Search. OR use the University of Pretoria's Laws of South Africa: Consolidated Legislation; scroll down to Pensions and Welfare then Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004 for the Act and Regulations.
The Regulations pertaining to eligibility and the means test are: Regulations relating to the application for and payment of social assistance and the requirements or conditions in respect of eligibility for social assistance, Government notice R898 in SA Government gazette no. 31356 of 22 August 2008, with amendments. For a summary see: Western Cape Government. Grant for Caring for a Young Child (Child Care Grant)
South Africa. Committee on Child and Family Support. Report of the Lund Committee on Child and Family Support. [Pretoria? : Department of Welfare?], 1996. G 68 E.WELF.96.REPO
De Villiers, Nick., and Sonja. Giese. A Review of Children’s Access to Employment-Based Contributory Social Insurance Benefits. New York: United Nations Children’s Fund, 2008. Shelf no. G 68 E.SOCI.08.REVI
G 68 E.WELF.97.CHIL South Africa. Dept. of Welfare. Child support benefit : caring for our children : changes to the state maintenance grant system. [Pretoria : The Dept., 1997]
Case, Anne, Victoria Hosegood & Frances Lund. The reach and impact of Child Support Grants: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal. Development Southern Africa, Vol. 22, No. 4, October 2005.
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Department of Social Development, SASSA & UNICEF. Removing barriers to accessing child grants : progress in reducing exclusion from South Africa's child support grant. Pretoria : UNICEF, 2016.
SASSA, UNICEF. Preventing Exclusion from the Child Support Grant: a Study of Exclusion Errors in Accessing CSG Benefit. Pretoria: SASSA, UNICEF, 2013.
G 68 E.FINA.13.PROV South Africa. Financial and Fiscal Commission. The provision and funding of child welfare services in South Africa. [Midrand, South Africa : Financial and Fiscal Commission, 2013.] Public hearing:
South Africa. Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation. Report on the Assessment of Government Evaluations Review of the Child Support Grant: Uses, Implementation and Obstacles. Pretoria: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, 2013.
Phasing in the child support grant :a social impact study, researched for the Department of Welfare by the Community Agency for Social Enquiry, July 2000 (saved locally)
G 68 E.SOCI.12.SOUT South Africa. Department of Social Development. The South African child support grant impact assessment : evidence from a survey of children, adolescents and their households / Pretoria : Department of Social Development, 2012.
G 68 E.SOCI.11.CHIL South Africa. Dept. of Social Development. Child support grant evaluation, 2010 : qualitative research report / Pretoria : Department of Social Development, 2011.
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G 68 E.SOCI.08.REVI De Villiers, Nick. A review of children's access to employment-based contributory social insurance benefits . Pretoria : Department of Social Development ; UNICEF, 2008.
G 68 E.SOCI.01.NATI National action plan aimed at re-engineering the maintenance system : discussion paper / [Pretoria : Department of Social Development, 2001?].
G 68 E.HSRC.08.CHAN Lund, Francie. Changing social policy : the Child Support Grant in South Africa / Cape Town : HSRC Press, 2008.
Patel, L. 2011. “Child support grants in South Africa”, in ILO–UNDP: Sharing innovative experiences. Vol. 18, successful social protection floor experiences, pp. 363–384.
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South Africa. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programme to Support Pro-Poor Policy Development. Families, the child support grant, and child well-being : connecting cash and care to scale up the impact of the CSG. Pretoria : Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Programme to Support Pro-Poor Policy Development, 2016?
Antilla, Chelsie, Helen Barnes, Ilaria Covizzi, Michael Noble and Gemma Wright (2006). Dynamics of social grant receipt : the child support grant and foster child grant between 2004 and 2005
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Budlender, Debbie & Ingrid Woolard (2006). The impact of the South African child support and old age grants on children’s schooling and work. Geneva : International Labour Organization.
Noble, Michael, Gemma Wright, Helen Barnes and others (2005). The child support grant : a sub-provincial analysis of eligibility and take up in January 2004
Noble, Michael, Gemma Wright, Helen Barnes and others (2005). The child support grant : a sub-provincial analysis of eligibility and take up in January 2005
Wright, Gemma (2006). A comparison of province-level estimates of eligibility for the child support grant