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Children: Government Resources: Library Guide: South Africa


UNICEF South Africa. Child protection: key systems & legislation

UNICEF South Africa. Child protection: overview 

PAN:Children. Child Protection 


Human Sciences Research Council for the Department of Social Development, Western Cape Province (2009). An Appraisal of the 2007 Integrated Care and Protection Plan for Children in the Western Cape

Norms and standards

Department of Social Development (2010). Blue print, minimal norms and standards for secure care facilities in South Africa.

Department of Welfare. Minimum standards for the South African child and youth care system. Pretoria : Department of Welfare, May 1998.


Van Niekerk, Suffla & Seedat, Eds, 2012. Third review: crime, violence and injury in South Africa: 21st century solutions for child safety. Tygerberg: Medical Research Council. G 68 E.HEAL.12.CRIM


Western Cape. Department of Social Development (2009). Programme: Children and Families : concept paper



Report on the implementation of the Protocol for the Management of Child Abuse and Neglect, 1.9.1997 - 30.4.1999 :   developing good practices in the child abuse sector.    [Cape Town] :   [Provincial Administration of the Western Cape, Department of Health and Social Services, Branch Social Services],   [1999]. G PWC E.SOCI.99.REPO

Police protection

South African Police Service. Women and Children

Servamus, Volume 108, issue 7 (July 2015). Several articles. G 68 K.SERV