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Children: Government Resources: Library Guide: International


International Labour Organization (ILO). Child Labour (includes reports)

International Labour Organization (ILO). International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)

ILO. IPEC. Tackling child labour through education in African, Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) States (TACKLE)

United Nations. Understanding Children's Work : an Inter-Agency Research Cooperation Programme

Includes country reports on child labour and youth employment.

The Child Labor Program.    Washington, D.C. :   Social Protection, Human Development Network, World Bank,   1998. G 73 E.WB.98.CHIL


International Labour Organization. Child Labour

International Labour Oragnization. Child Labour Platform


International Labour Organization. Chidl Labour. Publications

International Labour Organization. The role of social protection in the elimination of child labour: evidence review and policy implications. New York: ILO & UNICEF, 2022. 

International Labour Organization. Child labour: global estimates 2020, trends and the road forward. New York: ILO & UNICEF, 2021.

International Labour Organization. Ending child labour by 2025:  a review of policies and programmes. Geneva; ILO, 2018.

International Labour Organization. World report on child labour 2015 : paving the way to decent work for young people. G 494 E.ILO.13.WORL

International Labour Organization. World report on child labour : economic vulnerability, social protection and the fight against child labour. Geneva : ILO, 2013.

FAO’s Work on Eliminating Child Labour in Agriculture 2007 – 2010. Rome : FAO, 2011.


International Labour Organization. Bureau for Employers' Activities. Eliminating child labour : guides for employers. Guide one, Introduction to the issue of child labour. Geneva : ILO, 2007.

International Labour Organization. Bureau for Employers' Activities. Eliminating child labour : guides for employers. Guide two, How employers can eliminate child labour. Geneva : ILO, 2007.

International Labour Organization. Bureau for Employers' Activities. Eliminating child labour : guides for employers. Guide three, The role of employers' organizations in combating child labour. Geneva : ILO, 2007.


G 494 J.IPU H3/2002   Eliminating the worst forms of child labour :   a practical guide to ILO Convention No. 182 /    Geneva :   ILO, Inter-parliamentary Union   2002.

Agriculture and fisheries

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Child Labour in Agriculture

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Handbook for monitoring and evaluation of child labour in agriculture : measuring the impacts of agricultural and food security on child labour in family-based agriculture. Rome : FAO, 2015.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Labour Organization. Guidance on addressing child labour in fisheries and aquaculture. Italy : Fao and ILO, 2013.