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Children: Government Resources: Library Guide: Lesotho


Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Lesotho’s Child Grant Programme: 24-month impact report on productive activities and labour allocation: Lesotho country case study report. 2014.

Kardan, Andrew, Esméralda Sindou and Luca Pellerano. Lesotho Child Grants Programme: the historic and future costs of the CGP and its affordability: executive summary. March 2014.

Lesotho. Department of Social Welfare. The Lesotho Child Grants Programme: pilot phase. 2009?

Lesotho. Ministry of Social Development. Policy options for the Lesotho Child Grants Programme (Policy brief: country series). 2014?

Pellerano, Luca, Marta Moratti, Maja Jakobsen, Matěj Bajgar, Valentina Barca. Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation: Follow-up Report. April 2014.

Sebastian, Ashwini. Ana Paula de la O Campos, Silvio Daidone, Benjamin Davis, Ousmane Niang, Luca Pellerano. Gender differences in child investment behaviour among agricultural households: evidence from the Lesotho Child Grants Programme. Helsinki, Finland: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research, October 2016. (WIDER Working Paper 2016/107)

Taylor, J. E.; Thome, K.; Filipski, M. Evaluating Local General Equilibrium Impacts of Lesotho’s Child Grants Programme. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2014.