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Water Resources: Government Information: Library Guide: Women and water

This guide directs you to government sources on water resources from international to local level.


G 68 JWRC 2082/1/15 Chitja, Joyce, author.    Empowerment of women through water use security, land use security and knowledge generation for improved household food security and sustainable rural livelihoods in selected areas of Limpopo :   report to the Water Research Commission /    Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   2016.

G 68 JWRC 2083/1/15. Denison, Jonathan, author.    Empowerment of women through water use security, land use security and knowledge generation for improved household food security and sustainable livelihoods in selected areas of the Eastern Cape :   report to the Water Research Commission/    Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   October 2015.

G 68 JWRC SP 89/15 Van Vuuren, Lani, author.    Amakhosazana Amanzi :   celebrating our women in water and sanitation /    Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission of South Africa,   [2015]

G 68 JWRC 1988/1/12   Bridging the policy divide :   women in rural villages and the water for growth and development framework : report to the Water Research Commission /    Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   2012.

South Africa. Commission for Gender Equality. Gender Mainstreaming in the Water Sector: Evaluating Progress by Municipalities and Provincial Water Boards: a National Report, 2011. Johannesburg: Commission for Gender Equality, 2011.

G 68 JWRC 1855/1/11   Msibi, Mandla I.    Water allocation reform in South Africa :   history, processes and prospects for future implementation : report to the Water Research Commission. Chapter 4. Review of the compulsory licensing pilots : potential for achieving race and gender equity /    [Gezina, South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   2011.

G 68 E.WATE.11.WOME   South Africa. Dept. of Water Affairs.    Women in Water Awards, 2011 /    Pretoria :   Department of of Water Affairs,   2011.

G 68 JWRC TT 464/10   Towards the criteria necessary for the career success of women in the water sector :   profiles of interviewees : report to the Water Research Commission /    Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   2010.

G 68 JWRC 1762/1/10   Towards the criteria necessary for the career success of women in the water sector :   report to the Water Research Commission /    Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   2010.

G 68 JWRC KV 219/09   Mjoli, Nozi.    Assessment of gender equity in water user associations :   report to the Water Research Commission /    Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission,   2009.

G 68 JWRC TT 407/09   Rust, Ursula, 1955-    The impact of gender in the rural water services environment of SA :   report to the Water Research Commission /    Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission,   2009.

G 68 JGEO BUL 139   Rust, Ursula, 1955-    Principles for mainstreaming gender equality in the South African rural water services sector /    Pretoria :   Council for Geoscience,   c2008.

G 68 E.WATE.06.WOME   South Africa. Dept. of Water Affairs and Forestry (1990-2010)    Women in Water, Sanitation and Forestry Awards, 2006 /    [Pretoria :   Department of Water Affairs and Forestry,   2006]

G 68 E.WATE.06.AMAK   Amakhosazana Emvula :   celebrating South Africa's women in water /    Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission,   2006.

G 68 JWRC KV 167/05   Mbumba Development Services (South Africa).    Gender mainstreaming within the water sector :   situational analysis /    [Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission] ,   2005.

G 68 JWRC 1021/1/02   Monyai, Priscilla B.    The gender dimension of the water policy and its impact on water and sanitation provision in the Eastern Cape :   the case of the Peddie district : final report to the Water Research Commission /    Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission,   2003.

G 68 E.HSRC.02.WOME   Hemson, David.    'Women are weak when they are amongst men' :   the participation of women in rural water committees in South Africa /    Cape Town :   HSRC,   2002.

G 68 E.WATE.00.VALU   Kasrils, Ronald.    The value and price of water :   (the women of Lutsheko) : speech by Ronnie Kasrils, MP, Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry of South Africa, Plenary Session Stockholm Water Symposium, 14th August 2000.    [Pretoria :   Department of Water Affairs and Forestry,   2000].

G 68 JWRC 817/1/99   Duncker, L. (Louiza)    Strategies for empowerment of women in water supply and sanitation projects /    [Pretoria :   Water Research Commission,   1999].