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Water Resources: Government Information: Library Guide: Groundwater & Transboundary

This guide directs you to government sources on water resources from international to local level.



Water resource governance. CSIR. ScienceScope, Vol. 4, no. 2 (Aug. 2009), p. 72 ff.

Maputo River Basin

"The Maputo basin is shared by Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland and includes the tributaries Pongola and Usuthu Rivers and the estuary. These riparian states establised in 1983 the "Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee" (TPTC) to agree on water use in the shared watercourses enabling sustainable development."

Inco-Maputo Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee (TPTC)

"The Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee (TPTC) is a collaboration between three SADC member states namely, South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland. This committee will help to manage the water flow of the Inkomati River and Maputo River specifically during times of drought and flood, additionally the committee will be looking at how to protect and develop these water resources."

Komati Basin Water Authority (KOBWA)

"The Komati Basin Water Authority (KOBWA) is a bi-national company formed in 1993 through the treaty on the Development and Utilization of the Water Resources of the Komati River Basin signed in 1992 between the Kingdom of Swaziland and the Republic of South Africa."

Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP)

Established by treaty in 1986 between South Africa and Lesotho.

Limpopo River Basin

Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM)

"The Limpopo River Basin is shared by four SADC Member States, i.e. Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. ... 1986, when the “Limpopo Basin Permanent Technical Committee” was jointly established. In 2003 this cooperation was fostered through the multilateral agreement to establish the Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM)."

Orange-Senqu River Awareness Kit

Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM)

"formalized by the Governments of Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and South Africa through the signing of the ‘Agreement for the Establishment of the Orange-Senqu Commission’ on November 3rd, 2000 in Windhoek, Namibia."


Department of Water and Sanitation. Groundwater

CSIR. Green Book. the impact of climate change on South Africa's future groundwater availability. Resources.

Braune, E., author.    20 years of groundwater :   research, development and implementation in South Africa, 1994-2014.   Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission,   November 2014. Shelf no. G 68 JWRC SP 78/14

Braune, E. Protocol for the assessment of the status of sustainable utilization and management of groundwater resources with special reference to southern Africa. Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission,   2008. Shelf no. G 68 JWRC TT 318/08

Musekiwa, C. and K. Majola. Groundwater vulnerability map for South Africa. Bellville, Western Cape Unit, Council for Geoscience, ©2011. (Council for Geoscience Report number: 2011-0063)

Mvandaba, V., Mwenge Kahinda, J-M., Hobbs, P., Nzuza, P., Le Roux, A. & Arnold, K. 2019. Green Book. the impact of climate change on South Africa's future groundwater availability. Pretoria: CSIR.

Parsons, Roger & Johan Wentzel. Groundwater Resource Directed Measures Manual. Gezina: Water Research Commission, April 2007. (TT 299/07)

Pietersen, Kevin. South African groundwater governance case study : report prepared for the World Bank in partnership with the South African Department of Water Affairs and the Water Research Commission. Gezina: Water Research Commission, 2011. Shelf no. G 68 JWRC KV 273/11

Pietersen, Kevin, and Rian Titus, L2K2 Consultants (Pty) Ltd. Guidance Document on Groundwater Scheme Development: Report to the Water Research Commission.  Gezina: Water Research Commission, February 2023. (WRC Report No. TT 903/22)

Riemann, K., N.Chimbosa and M. Fubesi. A proposed groundwater management framework for municipalities in South Africa.  Water SA Vol. 38 No. 3 International Conference on Groundwater Special Edition 2012.

Riemann, Kornelius ... [and others]   Groundwater management framework : report to the Water Research Commission. [Gezina : Water Research Commission], 2011. Shelf no. G 68 JWRC 1917/1/10

Seward, Paul, author.    Key interventions to improve local groundwater governance :   report to the Water Research Commission.   Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission,   October 2015. Shelf no. G 68 JWRC 2238/1/15

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. Geohydrological Reports System

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. Groundwater quality status for the City of Cape Town. Pretoria: Department of Water and Sanitation, Surface and Groundwater Information Subdirectorate, January 2018. (GH4279)

South Africa. Department of Water Affairs. Groundwater strategy 2010 / Department: Water Affairs, Republic of South Africa. --    Pretoria : Department of Water Affairs, [2010]. Shelf no. G 68 E.WATE.10.GROU

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. Groundwater Status Report: Western Cape. Pretoria: Department of Water and Sanitation, January 2016. (GH 4197)

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National Groundwater Archive (requires registration)

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National groundwater strategy (NGS) - 2016

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National groundwater strategy, December 2016.

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National groundwater strategy, draft 4, April 2016

South Africa. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Policy and strategy for groundwater quality management in South Africa. 1st edition. Pretoria : Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 2000.

South Africa. Water Research Commission.  Groundwater resource directed measures :   report to the Water Research Commission .   Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   2013. Shelf no. G 68 JWRC TT 506/12 

South Africa. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. A framework for a national groundwater strategy (NGS). 1st edition. Pretoria : Department of Water and Forestry, February 2007. Shelf no. G 68 E.WATE.07.FRAM 

Titus, Rian, Kevin Pietersen and Ingrid Dennis. A guideline for the assessment, planning and management of groundwater resources in South Africa. Pretoria : Department of Water and Forestry, Water Resource Planning Systems, March 2008.

Woolf, Keanan, David McGibbon, Matthew Misrole, Andrew Mkali, Tyrel Flügel, Umvoto Africa (Pty) Ltd. Guidance Document on
Groundwater Data Collection: Report to the Water Research Commission.
Gezina: Water Research Commission, February 2023. (WRC Report No. TT 905/22)



Water from stone :   groundwater in South Africa /    [Gezina, South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   2011.
GZDV 68 JWRC SP 18/11


Department of Water and Sanitation. The groundwater dictionary. 2nd edition.