Communication and Mass Media Complete - via EbscoHost - abstracting and indexing for communication-related journals
Performing Arts Database (formerly known as IIPA FullText) is a performing arts journal resource with nearly 350,000 indexed articles, plus detailed abstracts and full text from 1864 to current, covering film, theatre and dance.
International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance is a research tool for the study of theatre and the performing arts.
MLA International Bibliography offers citations from journal articles, books and dissertations. Good for finding articles that pre-date the main film databases.
JSTOR provides access to over 1000 academic journals and other scholarly content. Full text for 7 core film studies journals, back to the first issues.
Project Muse is a collection of high quality, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journals from leading university presses, not-for-profit publishers and prestigious scholarly societies. Full text for 14 core and speciality film studies journals.
Taylor and Francis provides access to academic and research journals published by them. Full text for a number of core titles.
Music & Performing Arts (from Alexander Street Press) Databases included: Dance in video, Opera in video, American song, Classical music library, Contemporary world music, Jazz music library, Smithsonian global sound, African American music reference, Classical music reference library, The Garland encyclopedia of world music online, Classical scores library, Classical Music in Video.
Academic Search Premier is a very popular databases containing mostly full text covering most academic areas of study including Film. The search can be restricted to only scholarly journals by ticking the "Peer Reviewed" button.
Humanities International Complete is a scholarly and wide-ranging database with good full text coverage on all aspects of the Humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literacy, scholarly and creative thought. Available via EBSCOHost.
SocINDEX with Full Text is a comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. Available via EBSCOHost.
SABINET African Journals (formerly SA E-Publications) holds full text of a range of South African academic journals for a variety of subjects including Film.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index on Web of Knowledge are scholarly tools used for following a chain of references. One can use this as a database in trying to locate articles on a particular topic. Or by typing in a name of particular researcher, you can generate a list of articles which have made reference to that researcher's work.
PsycINFO provides access to citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations, all in the field of psychology and psychological aspects some of which relate to film.
ScienceDirect offers access to the Elsevier Science journal collection, along with journals from a host of prestigious societies and scientific, technical and medical publishers. The full text collection of over 1 million articles from 1995 to present cover a wide variety of subject areas and disciplines in the sciences and social sciences including film.
Oxford Journals Online provides access to academic and research journals published by Oxford University Press.
AFI Catalog (Free Version) "The most authoritative filmographic database on the web, includes entries on nearly 60,000 American feature-length and 17,000 short films produced from 1893-2011, as well as AFI Awards Outstanding Movies of the Year from 2000 through 2010."
CineFiles from the Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive which contains scanned images of reviews, press kits, festival and showcase program notes, newspaper articles, and other documents from the PFA Library's extensive collection covering world cinema, past and present.
Media Digital History Library provides online access to the histories of cinema, broadcasting and sound, by digitizing collections of classic media periodicals that belong in the public domain for full public access.
The Collections feature Extensive Runs of several important trade papers and fan magazines.
MRQE - Movie Review Query Engine offers a searchable index of published and available reviews, news, interviews and other materials associated with specific movies.
IMDB International Movie Database
ScreenSite facilitates the teaching and research of film/TV/new media and is designed principally for educators and students. (From the University of Alabama)