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Water Resources: Government Information: Library Guide: Water-Energy-Food Nexus

This guide directs you to government sources on water resources from international to local level.

South Africa

Senzanje, A., T. Mabhaudhi and M. Mudhara. Water-Energy-Food Nexus as a Sustainable Approach for Advancing Food and Nutrition Security and Achieving SDGS 2, 6 and 7 with Specific Attention to Efficient Energy Use Food Production. Gezina: Water Research Commission, April 2023. (WRC Report No. 2967/1/23)

Mabhaudhi, T. Assessing the State of the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus in South Africa : Report to the Water Research Commission.  Gezina, South Africa: Water Research Commission, 2018. (Report no. KV 365/18) Shelf no. G 68 JWRC KV 365/18.

Von Bormann, T. and Gulati, M. The Food Energy Water Nexus : Understanding South Africa’s most urgent sustainability challenge. Cape Town : WWF-SA, 2014.

World Bank Group. Modeling the Water-Energy Nexus : How Do Water Constraints Affect Energy Planning in South Africa? Washington, DC : World Bank, 2017.

Madhlopa, Amos, Guy Pegram, Siyasanga Sauka, Debbie Sparks, Samantha Keen, and Mascha Moorlach. The Water-Energy Nexus in the Context of Climate Change: Investigating Trade-Offs between Water Use Efficiency and Renewable Energy Options for South Africa: Report to the Water Research Commission. Gezina: Water Research Commission, March 2016. (WRC Report No 2239/1/15)

World Wildlife Fund South Africa. Food-Energy-Water Nexus



Carmona-Moreno,  C, E. Crestaz, Y. Cimmarrusti, F. Farinosi,M. Biedler, A. Amani, A. Mishra and A. Carmona-Gutierrez, editors. Implementing the Water–Energy–Food–Ecosystems Nexus and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Paris: UNESCO, European Union and IWA Publishing, 2021.

Food and Energy Organization of the United Nations (2014). The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: a new approach in support of food security and sustainable agriculture. 

Food and Energy Organization of the United Nations (2013). An innovative accounting framework for the Food-Energy-Water Nexus : application of the MuSIASEM approach to three case studies.

International Renewable Energy Agency (2015). Renewable energy in the water, energy & food nexus.

World Economic Forum Water Initiative (2011). Water security : the water-food-energy-climate nexus.

World Wildlife Fund (2014). Understanding the food energy water nexus: water as an input in the food value chain.

World Wildlife Fund (2014). Understanding the food energy water nexus:the agricultural sector as a biofuels producer in South Africa


Jewitt, Graham, Richard Kunz and Goran Berndes. Water for food - Water for energy: biofuels at the water-energy-food nexus. Water Research Commission Symposium 2013.

Pittock, Jamie. Frameworks for managing the water, food and energy nexus in a changing climate. Water governance conference, Drakensburg, 6th November 2012.


Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Water-Energy-Food Nexus.

Nexus: the Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform. 

SA-TIED. Water-Energy-Food in the Context of Climate Change

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Water-food-energy-ecosystem nexus.

University of Cape Town. FEWLB Nexus.Includes links to government documents.



Water-food-energy. The Water wheel, Volume 13, no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 2014), pages 16-20. G 68 K.WATE.WHEE

Zwanikken, Fatimah. Managing the water-food-energy nexus. OFID quarterly, January 2013, pages 5-9. G 436 K.OFID

United States