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Water Resources: Government Information: Library Guide: Water resources development

This guide directs you to government sources on water resources from international to local level.

News items

South Africa. Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. Media briefing statement, 09 February 2018: The outcomes of the Inter-Ministerial Task Team meeting on Drought and Water Scarcity held on 30 January 2018.

Western and Eastern Cape drought crisis, 7 February 2018. "The Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation held a lively meeting on the current drought in the country to discuss the current status and challenges. The Committee was joined by Members from several Portfolio Committees who had been invited to attend the presentations."


Department of Water and Sanitation. Integrated Water Resource Planning

Department of Water and Sanitation. National Water Services Knowledge System

Department of Water and Sanitation. Water Services Systems Menu

Water Resources of South Africa, 2012 Study (WR2012)

"This website describes the water resources of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. It is the culmination of a number of water resource appraisals that have been carried out over the past four decades. Its predecessor was called WR2005 and the intention of this website is to provide all the data, information, GIS maps, water resource models, spreadsheets and tools to allow water resource practitioners to investigate, analyse and plan their water resources studies." 

Investigations pre-1994

South Africa. Commission of Enquiry into Water Matters. Report of the Commission of Enquiry into Water Matters. Pretoria: Government Printer, 1970. (RP 34/1970). Shelf no. G 68 ERP 34/1970.


South Africa’s water sector investment requirements to 2050: Final report. Pretoria: Development Bank of Southern Africa, National Treasury, National Planning Commission, and Presidential Climate Commission, August 2023. 

Le Maitre ,  David, Helen Seyler, Martin Holland, Lindie Smith-Adao , Jeanne Nel, Ashton Maherry and Kai Witthüser. Identification, Delineation and Importance of the Strategic Water Source Areas of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland for Surface Water and Groundwater. Gezina: Water Research Commission, July 2018. (WRC  Report No. TT 754/1/18) 

Water Resources of South Africa, 2012 Study (WR2012).

"This website describes the water resources of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. It is the culmination of a number of water resource appraisals that have been carried out over the past four decades. The current study began in 2012 and is due for completion in April 2016." 

Bailey, A. K., W. V. Pitman. Water resources of South Africa, 2012 study (WR2012). Gezina: Water Research Commission, 2016. Volume 1, Executive summary,  Volume 2, User's guide,  Volume 3, Book of mapsVolume 4, A review of the accuracy  of calibrations undertaken within the WRSM/Pitman modelVolume 5, SAMI groundwater module: verification studies, default parameters and calibration guide,  Volume 6, SALMOD: salininity modelling of the Upper Vaal, Middle Vaal and Lower Vaal sub-Water Management Areas (new Vaal Water Management Area)Volume 7, WRSM/Pitman user's manualVolume 8, WRSM/Pitman theory manual Volume 9, WRSM/Pitman programmer's code manual,. Shelf no. G 68 JWRC TT 683-691/16


 Water resources of South Africa, 2005 study (WR 2005) : report to the Water Research Commission / B. J. Middleton and A. K. Bailey ; updated by A. K. Bailey. --    Gezina, [South Africa] : Water Resources Commission, 2011. Shelf nos. G 68 JWRC TT 512-3/11, GZCD 68 JWRC TT 512-3/11


Water resources of South Africa, 2005 study (WR 2005) /    Gezina, [South Africa] :   Water Resources Commission,   2009. v. 1. Executive summary -- v. 2. User’s guide (in CD-ROM format) - v. 3. Book of maps. Shelf nos. G 68 JWRC TT 380/08, GZCD 68 JWRC 380/08-382/08, GO 68 JWRC TT 382/08

Basson, M. S.    Overview of water resources availability and utilisation in South Africa /    Pretoria :   Dept. of Water Affairs and Forestry ; BKS,   1997. Shelf no. G 68 JWPRSA/00/0197

South Africa. Water Research Commission.    Surface water resources of South Africa 1990    [Pretoria?] :   produced by GisLAB,   1995. CD-ROM Shelf no. GZCD 68 JWRC 298

Midgley, D. C. (Desmond Clifford). Surface water resources of South Africa 1990. Appendices.    [Pretoria] :   Water Research Commission,   1994. Shelf no. G 68 JWRC 298/4.1/94

Midgley, D. C. (Desmond Clifford). Surface water resources of South Africa 1990. Book of maps.  [Pretoria] :   Water Research Commission,   1994. Shelf no. GO 68 JWRC 298/4.2/94

South Africa. Department of Water Affairs.    Management of the water resources of the Republic of South Africa.    Pretoria :   The Department,   1986. Shelf no. G 68 E.WATE.86.MANA

Water in cities

South African Cities Network. State of Water in Cities: Analysis of water resource and its management in Cities. Braamfontein: South African Cities Network, March 2015.

South African Cities Network. Synthesis report: state of water in cities. Braamfontein: South African Cities Network, January 2016.

Berg River

GreenCape. A case for integration: water resource and development planning in the Berg Water Management Area. Cape Town: GreenCape, 2018. (Policy brief 01/2018)

GreenCape Sector Development Agency. Managing Water as a Constraint to Development: a case for integrated planning in the Berg Water Management Area: Synthesis Report. Cape Town: GreenCape, 2018/09/04. Prepared for Western Cape Government and the Water Research Commission. Infographic

C. Pengelly, H. Seyler, N. Fordyce, P. Janse van Vuuren, M. van der Walt, H. van Zyl & J. Kinghorn. Managing Water as a Constraint to Development with Decision-Support Tools That Promote Integrated Planning: The Case of the Berg Water Management Area.  & Appendices. Cape Town: GreenCape, December 2017. Report to the Water Research Commission and Western Cape Government by GreenCape Sector Development Agency.