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Water Resources: Government Information: Library Guide: Research & development

This guide directs you to government sources on water resources from international to local level.


South Africa. Water Research Commission. South Africa's Water Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) Roadmap, 2015-2025. Gezina: Water Research Commission ; Pretoria:  Department of Science and Technology, Department of Water and Sanitation, July 2015. (WRC Report No. 2305/1/15)

Website: SA Water Roadmap.


Jacobs, Inga M., author.    South Africa's 20-year journey in water and sanitation research.    Gezina, South Africa :   Water Research Commission,   [2014]. G 68 E.WATE.14. SOUT

Munnik, Victor, 1958- author.    Towards developing a social science research agenda for the South African water sector :   report to the Water Research Commission.    Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission,   2014. G 68 JWRC KV 325/13

Pouris, Anastassios, author.    State of water research in South Africa, 2015 /    Gezina [South Africa] :   Water Research Commission of South Africa,   [2016]. G 68 JWRC SP 92/15


Water Research Development and Innovation (RDI) Roadmap Skills Mapping Study. Gezina: Water Research Commission, October 2021. Volume 1: Updated RDI Roadmap Capability Map ;  Volume 2: Postgraduate Training Map ; Volume 3: Short Course Skills Mapping Study ; Volume IV: Water Sector Skills Demand