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Vancouver Referencing Style @ UCT

Vancouver Referencing Style is extensively used in the biomedical and health sciences.

Figures, images, diagrams, & tables


When referencing these sources in your reference list, your reference will begin with the standard reference to the source of the figure/image/table/diagram - e.g. if you obtained it from a book you must first reference the book - information pertaining to the image will come at the end of the reference..

Standard figure in a book with a number:


Rule: Give the figure number first, followed by the title of the figure, and then the citation number, e.g.

Figure 1. Examples of radionecrosis and radiodermatitis.¹

NB: the figure number in the intext will be the figure number in your document. The original figure number must be cited in the reference list.


1. McGregor AD, McGregor IA. Fundamental techniques of plastic surgery and their surgical          applications. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1980. Figure 7.1, Examples of radionecrosis and radiodermatitis.

RULE: Enter the normal book reference first. Followed by the figure number from the original source. Then the page number of the figure from the original source.

Figure in a book with a letter:


Figure B-2. Improving chronic disease care: a framework based on health literacy and related research.²


2. Nielsen-Bohlman L Pannzer AM, Kinding DA, editors. Health literacy: a prescription to end confusion. Washington: National Academies Press. 2004. Figure B-2, Improving chronic disease care: a framework based on health literacy and related research.


Figure in a book without a number or letter:


Rule: Give only the title or description of the figure as stated in the source, e.g.

Overview figure, comparison of a muscular artery, large vein, and three types of of capillaries.³


3. Eroschenko VP. Di Fiore's atlas of histology with functional correlations. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 2005. Overview figure, comparison of muscular artery, large vein, and the three types of capillaries.


Standard figure from a journal article:


  Figure 4. Aromatase activity and expression in cell line.³


4. Diaz-Cruz ES, Shapiro CL, Bruggemeier RW. Cyclooxygynase inhibitors suppress aromatase expression and activity in breast cancer cells. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 May;90(5):2563-70. Figure 4, Aromatase activity and expression in cell line.