"Eskom’s Just Energy Transition (JET) Office was established earlier in 2021 and has made significant strides to progress the evolution for transition towards a cleaner and greener energy future."
Eskom. Eskom Just Energy Transition Project (P177398): final environmental and social management framework (ESMF). March 2023.
Eskom. Eskom and the Just Energy Transition: Discussion document, August 2021. Presentation.
South Africa. Presidency. Just Energy Transition Implementation Plan 2023–2027. Pretoria: The Presidency, 2023.
South Africa. Presidential Climate Commission. Scaling finance to support a Just Transition: the potential of a Just Transition Financing Mechanism: draft for public comment . Rosebank, Johannesburg: Presidential Climate Commission, November 2023.
South Africa. Presidential Climate Commission. A critical appraisal of South Africa's Just Energy Transition Investment Plan. Rosebank, Johannesburg: Presidential Climate Commission, May 2023.
South Africa. Presidency. South Africa's Just Energy Transition Investment Plan (JET IP) for the initial period 2023-2027. Pretoria: The Presidency, November 2022.
Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies. Just Transition Knowledge Portal
United Nations South Africa. Summary note: JET Roundtable, 2023. Pretoria: United Nations South Africa, 2023.
Lowitt, Sandy. Working Paper for the Presidential Climate Commission: Finance and the Just Transition. [Pretoria]: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies, October 2021.
South Africa. Presidency. South Africa's Just Energy Transition investment plan (JET IP) for the initial period 2023-2027. Pretoria: The Presidency, November 2022.
South Africa. Presidency. South Africa's Just Energy Transition investment plan (JET IP) 2023-2027: at a glance. Pretoria: The Presidency, November 2022. (Brochure)
South Africa. Presidential Climate Commission. Just Transition Framework. Includes: A Presidential Climate Commission Report : A Framework for a Just Transition in South Africa, May 2022, A Presidential Climate Commission Report: A Framework for a Just Transition in South Africa, June 2022.
Eskom Just Energy Transition presentation, 17 November 2020.
South Africa. Presidential Climate Commission. Achieving a Just Energy Transition.
Six-month update on progress in advancing the Just Energy Transition Partnership, 21 June 2022.
South Africa. National Planning Commission. Social Partner Dialogue for a Just Transition, May 2018 to June 2019. 2050 Vision and Pathways for a Just Transition to a low carbon, climate resilient economy and society: Revised proposal following the outcomes of the Concluding Conference held on 29 May 2019. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2019.
Department of Energy. State of renewable energy in South Africa, 2017. Pretoria: Department of Energy, 2018.
Department of Energy. State of renewable energy in South Africa. Pretoria : Department of Energy, 2015.
South African Local Government Association. Renewable energy scenarios for municipalities in South Africa. Pretoria: SALGA, January 2018.
Department of Environmental Affairs, South African National Energy Development Institute. Sustainability of decentralised renewable energy systems : report. Pretoria : Department of Environmental Affairs, 201-?
National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA). Monitoring renewable energy performance of power plants, Issue 10 (Sept. 2017), Issue 11 (March 2018)
National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA). Monitoring renewable energy performance, Issue 7 (April 2016), Issue 8 (Oct. 2016), Issue 9 (March 2017)
Prometheum Carbon, South African National Energy Development Institute. Technical report: Appraisal of Implementation of Fossil Fuel and Renewable Energy Hybrid Technologies in South Africa, November 2017.
World Wide Fund for Nature. Climate change and energy. Renewable energy vision 2030: South Africa. Newlands : World Wide Fund for Nature, 2014. (Technical report)
World Wide Fund for Nature. Energy. Feasibility of the WWF renewable energy vision 2030: South Africa: a spatial-temporal analysis. Newlands : World Wide Fund for Nature, 2015. (Technical report)
World Wide Fund for Nature. Enabling renewable energy in South Africa : assessing the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme. Newlands : World Wide Fund for Nature, 2014.
Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP). "iREREP is the official national Programme for Resource Efficiencies and Renewable Energy for Government facilities in a bid to meet sustainability targets of Government and South Africa at Large."
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (IPPPP): an Overview as at 31 December 2021. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, 2021?
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. REIPPPP focus on Eastern Cape. Provincial Report, Volume 2, December 2021. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, December 2021.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. REIPPPP focus on Eastern Cape. Provincial Report, Volume 2, March 2021. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, March 2021.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. REIPPPP focus on Free State, Limpopo, North West, KwaZuluNatal, Mpumalanga and Gauteng Provinces. Provincial Report, Volume 4. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, December 2021.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. REIPPPP focus on Free State, Limpopo, North West, KwaZuluNatal, Mpumalanga and Gauteng Provinces. Provincial Report, Volume 4. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, June 2020.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. REIPPPP focus on Northern Cape. Provincial Report, Volume 1, December 2021. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, December 2021.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. REIPPPP focus on Northern Cape. Provincial Report, Volume 1, March 2021. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, March 2021.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. REIPPPP focus on Western Cape. Provincial Report, Volume 3, December 2021. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, December 2021.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. REIPPPP focus on Western Cape. Provincial Report, Volume 3, June 2020. Pretoria: Independent Power Producer Office, June 2020.
South Africa. Independent Power Producer Office. Outlining the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) Empowerment Imperative A presentation made at the Business Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in the Renewable Energy Sector Meeting, 15 June 2018. Powerpoint presentation.
Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme. IPP Renewables
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement (REIPPP) Programme
South Africa. Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme, March 2022. Presentation.
Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Sustainable energy strategy for the Western Cape : draft summary document, May 2007.
Urban Energy Support. SALGA & SEA site with many online publications, including government.
Just Urban Transitions. Non-governmental project based in Cape Town.
"The Resilient Cities Network legacy is built on the 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) initiative, pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation in 2013, as part of its Global Centennial Initiative."
Competition Commission. Survey findings on renewable energy products used by households and businesses. Pretoria: Competition Commission, 2023?
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. South African Renewable Energy Masterplan: Draft version for review, 7 July 2023. Pretoria: Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, Department of Science and Innovation, July 2023.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. South African Renewable Energy Masterplan: an industrialisation plan for the renewable energy value chain to 2030. Draft Masterplan for review by Executive Oversight Committee. Pretoria: Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, Department of Science and Innovation, March 2022.
GreenCape. The South African Renewable Energy Master Plan: Emerging Actions Discussion Document. The second step in the validation of draft levers and workstreams for the South African Renewable Energy Master Plan. Cape Town: GreenCape, September 2021, updated November 2021.
South Africa. Department of Minerals and Energy. Free basic alternative energy policy (Households Energy Support Programme). Pretoria : Department of Minerals and Energy, 200-?
South Africa. Dept. of Minerals and Energy. White paper on the renewable energy policy of the Republic of South Africa, November 2003. / Pretoria : Government Printer, 2004. G 68 E.ENER.04.WHIT
South Africa. Department of Minerals and Energy. White Paper on the Promotion of Renewable Energy and Clean Energy Development. Part One, Promotion of Renewable Energy. Pretoria: Department of Minerals and Energy, August 2002. Draft.
Western Cape (South Africa). Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. White paper on sustainable energy for the Western Cape Province [draft] Cape Town : Province of Western Cape, 2010. G PWC E.ENVI.10.WHIT
Western Cape (South Africa). Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Sustainable Energy Strategy for the Western Cape: draft summary document. Cape Town : Province of Western Cape, May 2007.
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. Renewable Energy Development Zones (REDZs) and Strategic Transmission Corridors.
Department of Environmental Affairs. Renewable Energy. Data & maps.
CSIR, Department of Environmental Affairs. Strategic Environmental Assessment for wind and solar PV energy in South Africa: Renewable Energy Development Zones (REDZs)
Moner-Girona, Magda. Enhancing Information for Renewable Energy Technology Deployment in Brazil, China and South Africa. United Nations Energy Programme, C 2011.
Department of Energy. The Renewable Energy Data and Information Service (REDIS)
Municipal Energy Resilience (MER) Initiative
"The MER initiative is spearheaded by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism’s (DEDAT) Green Economy Chief Directorate and supported by the combined efforts of the Department of Local Government (DLG), Provincial Treasury (PT) the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, the City of Cape Town and the six candidate municipalities (Drakenstein, Mossel Bay, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Stellenbosch and Swartland)."
GreenCape. Market Intelligence Reports
Market intelligence report : renewable energy, 2014. Cape Town, South Africa: GreenCape, 2014. Shelf no. G PWC ES.GREE.RENE
Renewable energy ... : market intelligence report, 2015 .Cape Town, South Africa: GreenCape, 2015-2016. Shelf no. G PWC ES.GREE.RENE
Utility-scale renewable energy ... : market intelligence report, 2016 onwards. Cape Town, South Africa: GreenCape, 2016-2021. Shelf no. G PWC ES.GREE.RENE 2020-2021
Large-scale renewable energy market intelligence report, 2022 onwards.Cape Town, South Africa: GreenCape, 2022 onwards. Shelf no. G PWC ES.GREE.RENE 2022 onwards
Western Cape. Department of the Premier. Chief Directorate: Policy and Strategy. Green Cape 2040: towards a smarter grid. [Cape Town: Office of the Premier, 2016?] (FuturesCape policy research paper)
South Africa. Department of Energy. Renewable energy initiatives. 201-?
City of Cape Town. City of Cape Town: Energy Resilience Programs: Sustainable Energy Markets, June 2023. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, June 2023. Powerpoint presentation.
City of Cape Town. Cape Town State of Energy and Carbon 2021. Cape Town: Communication Department, City of Cape Town, 2021?
City of Cape Town. The City of Cape Town's Carbon Neutral 2050 Commitment. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, June 2020.
City of Cape Town. Independent Power Producers.
City of Cape Town. Cape Town Energy 2040: towards a more resilient, low carbon and resource efficient future for Cape Town. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, November 2015. Pamphlet.
City of Cape Town. Cape Town Energy 2040 Vision and associated energy and carbon targets. Cape Town: Trade and Investment Department, Environmental Resource Management Department, September 2015. Powerpoint presentation.
South African Local Government Association. Local government energy efficiency & renewable energy strategy guide. Pretoria: SALGA, 2021.
South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. EIA guideline for renewable energy projects. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, 2015.
Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP)
South Africa. Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme, March 2022. Presentation.
Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies. South Africa’s New Energy Vehicle Transitional Roadmap: The Route to the White Paper.
Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies. New Energy Vehicle Project Team. Recommendations to advance South Africa’s new energy vehicle market and domestic supply chain. For the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. Johannesburg: TIPS, February 2022.
Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies. New Energy Vehicle Project Team. South African new energy vehicle research report. For the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. Johannesburg: TIPS, December 2021.
South Africa. Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. Electric vehicles white paper. Pretoria: Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, November 2023.
South Africa. Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. First Input Towards the Development of the Auto Green Paper on the Advancement of New Energy Vehicles in South Africa: the South African Road to Production of Electric Vehicles (The Roadmap): “delivering for the people, for the planet and for our prosperity”. Public consultation version. Pretoria: Department of Trade, Industry and Competition,18 May 2021. Also published in: South Africa. Government gazette no. 44606 (21 May 2021), General notice no. 308.
Western Cape. Department of Transport and Public Works. Government Motor Transport Trading Entity. A strategy for the implementation of electric vehicles. Cape Town: Department of Transport and Public Works, January 2022?
Renewable Energy Center of Research and Development (RECORD). Established in 2011, operational in 2012, RECORD is part of the Clean Energy Solutions portfolio within the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI).
Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (IPP Renewables). Programme of the Department of Energy in partnership with Eskom and Nersa.
"The South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) is a Schedule 3A state owned entity that was established as a successor to the previously created South African National Energy Research Institute (SANERI) and the National Energy Efficiency Agency (NEEA). The main function of SANEDI is to direct, monitor and conduct applied energy research and development, demonstration and deployment as well to undertake specific measures to promote the uptake of Green Energy and Energy Efficiency in South Africa."
Renewable Energy Centre of Research and Development (RECORD). RECORD supports the mandate of SANEDI within the Clean Energy Solutions portfolio.
South African Cities Network. Sustainable Energy. Various documents
South African-German Energy Programme (SANGEN). "part of the bilateral cooperation between South Africa and Germany. SANGEN is funded by the German Government and implemented by the Deutsche Gesallschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). SANGEN is focused on improving the implementation of policies and strategies to stimulate investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency."
World Wildlife Fund for Nature, South Africa. Energy
Department of Energy and Department of Mineral Resources. South African Biofuels Regulatory Framework & Annexure 1, National Biofuels Feedstock Protocol. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, February 2020.
Department of Energy. 2014. Draft position paper on the South Africa biofuels regulatory framework
Department of Energy. Development of South Africa's biofuels industry. 201-? (brochure)
Department of Minerals and Energy. Biofuels industrial strategy of the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria?: Department of Minerals and Energy?, 2007. Shelf no. G 68 E.ENER.07.BIOF
Department of Minerals and Energy. Draft biofuels industrial strategy of the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria? : Department of Minerals and Energy?, 2006. Shelf no. G 68 E.ENER.06.DRAF
GreenCape. Biofuels: from viability to pilot projects. Overview report. Cape Town : GreenCape, March 2015.
IEA Bioenergy. Country reports. South Africa: update 2018: bioenergy policies and status of implementation. IEA Bioenergy, 09 2018.
Melamu, Rethabile. Biofuels: from viability to pilot projects. Deliverable 1: Re-assessment of the Western Cape’s biofuel production potential via a multi-criteria analysis. Cape Town : GreenCape, March 2015.
Williams, Anthony. The GreenCape Sector Development Agency Progress Report on Strategic Project. Biofuels in the Western Cape. Cape Town : GreenCape, 14 March 2014.
Department of Environmental Affairs, CSIR. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) energy in South Africa: Renewable Energy Development Zones (REDZs)
Department of Environmental Affairs, CSIR. Strategic Environmental Assessment for wind and solar photovoltaic energy in South Africa. CSIR Report Number: CSIR/CAS/EMS/ER/2015/0001/B. Stellenbosch: CSIR, 2015.
Department of Environmental Affairs, CSIR. Phase 2 Strategic Environmental Assessment for wind and solar photovoltaic energy in South Africa, 2019. CSIR Report Number: CSIR/SPLA/SECO/ER/2019/0085. Stellenbosch: CSIR, October 2019.,
Department of Environmental Affairs, CSIR. Strategic Environmental Assessment for wind and solar photovoltaic energy in South Africa. 2015. Appendix A1. Agriculture Scoping Assessment Report. ; Appendix B. Consultation Process.
Sustainable Energy Development for Southern Africa (1997 : Conference on Sustainable Energy Development for Southern Africa : proceedings, Eskom Conference Centre, Midrand, South Africa, 4-6 June 1997 / [Luxembourg? : The Commission?, 1997] G 4 E.ENER.97.CONF
South Africa. Department of Science and Technology. Bioenergy atlas for South Africa. Webpage, including Synopsis Report
South Africa. Department of Science and Innovation. South Africa hydrogen valley final report. Pretoria: Department of Science and Innovation, October 2021.
Green Hydrogen (GH2) Commercialisation in South Africa: a path towards industrialisation, decarbonisation and socioeconomic upliftment for South Africa, 20 October 2023. Presentation to PCC Energy Dialogue: the Role of Green Hydrogen.
Proposed South African Green Hydrogen (GH2) Commercialisation Strategy: Summary of the Green Hydrogen (GH2) Commercialisation Strategy: Green Hydrogen Commercialisation Panel Report, 30 November 2022. Released for public comment, December 2022. Presentation.
South Africa. Presidential Climate Commission. Energy Dialogue: Green Hydrogen, 20 October 2023 11h00-13h00.
South Africa. Presidential Climate Commission. Green Hydrogen Dialogue report: a Presidential Climate Commission Energy Dialogue report, Thursday, 20 October 2023 11h00-13h00. Pretoria: Presidential Climate Commission, 2023.
"Green Hydrogen South Africa (GHSA): GHSA is a multi-stakeholder initiative that promotes South Africa as a leading green hydrogen producer and investment destination of choice. It is led by The Presidency of South Africa and home of the South African Green Hydrogen Summit (SAGHS)."
Green Hydrogen South Africa. Green hydrogen community development toolkit. Pretoria: Green Hydrogen South Africa, July 2023.
Province of the Northern Cape, Northern Cape Economic Development, Trade and Investment Promotion Agency. Northern Cape Green Hydrogen: The Green Transformation.
Roos, Thomas and Jarrad Wright. Powerfuels and Green Hydrogen (public version). Brussels: EU-South Africa, January 2021.
Roos, Thomas, Mamello Chauke, Fiona Oloo and Lindokuhle Mbatha. Powerfuels 2: Stimulating domestic hydrogen consumption opportunities in South Africa. Brussels: EU-South Africa, January 2022.
Hydrogen South Africa or HySA. "Initiated by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and approved by the Cabinet in May 2007, Hydrogen South Africa or HySA is a long-term (15-year) programme within their Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) strategy, officially launched in September 2008."
"H2ATLAS-AFRICA project is a joint initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and African partners in the Sub-Saharan region (SADC and ECOWAS countries) to explore the potentials of hydrogen production from the renewable energy sources within the sub-regions."
South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI). South Africa: Green Hydrogen