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ZivaHub Data Sharing and Publishing: Getting Published

This guide details all the information needed when using UCT's Institutional Repository ZivaHub

Getting Published

So your data are getting published on ZivaHub... 

The objective of this document is to help prepare you for your data being published on ZivaHub. ZivaHub | Open Data UCT is powered by Figshare for Institutions, an online repository platform for discovering, citing and sharing research data and scholarly outputs. The data (of any variety - videos, conference posters, etc.) that are published are assigned a persistent identifier and become openly available to anyone with an internet connection. With the added features of the platform, your data become findable, accessible and reusable, thereby contributing to Open Science.



  • Your data are accessible, alongside relevant metadata (descriptive information to help make the data discoverable and understandable for machines). 

  • Your data are allocated a persistent identifier (a DataCite doi), at point of publication. This means that your research can be cited using traditional citation methods, no matter what form the research outputs come in.

  • Your data are attributed with a license, some of the most common being:

    • CC-BY 4.0 -  This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.

    • CC-BY SA 2.0 - This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. 

    • CC-0 (Public Domain) - This cedes all of your rights and responsibilities over the data. 

  • You receive attribution as the author of the data.

  • You can view altmetrics on your data, including details of views, downloads and citations.

  • Your data publications get listed on your ORCID profile.

  • You become an active participant in Open Science globally.


What you can do:

  1. Please send through your email and ORCiD number (if you don’t have one, get one, please).

  2. If you want to participate in the project (viewing restricted files, uploading your own data, etc.), then you should consider signing up to (non-UCT) or logging in to ZivaHub (all UCT affiliates).

    1. If you are UCT affiliate, simply go to and use your single-sign-on details to log in (to right). Read more about setting up your profile here.

    2. If you are outside of UCT and affiliated with an institution, check if your institution might already be running a figshare for institutions instance.

    3. Otherwise, simply go to to create a free account, and enjoy similar  benefits to those of institutional members. 

Further reading: