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ZivaHub Data Sharing and Publishing: GitHub Integration

This guide details all the information needed when using UCT's Institutional Repository ZivaHub

GitHub Integration

Guideline for linking your GitHub and ZivaHub accounts 

ZivaHub | Open Data UCT is powered by Figshare for Institutions, an online repository platform for discovering, citing and sharing research data and scholarly outputs. The purpose of this guide is to assist you with linking your GitHub and ZivaHub accounts so that you can preserve and publish your code, as well as some guidance on publishing software/code in general. As of October 2020, this integration will also allow you to publish repositories on organizational accounts of which you are part of. 


  1. Click on your profile icon (top right) and select Applications from the dropdown menu. 


  1. Select Connect as shown here:


  1. You will be redirected to sign in to your Github account, where you need to authorise figshare. If you are a member of any organizational accounts you will see them listed and a button will appear asking you to grant access.


  1. Click off the Configure Github Integration overlay, go to My Data and click on the GitHub icon, which shows up after hovering over the GitHub icon:


  1. Now you can start importing from your list of public GitHub repositories:


  1. If your repository has multiple releases, you can choose which is the first release you’d like to import. You can select multiple items at the same time, and each GitHub item will create its own ZivaHub item.


  1. On import, ZivaHub will automatically choose the article type, add a reference back to the original GitHub item, import the description and title from GitHub and set the default licence to MIT. You can of course manually change any of these details if/as required from thereon.



  1. A key aspect of setting Github up via the Applications section is that you can edit the auto-sync global settings for your GitHub integration. If you configure the auto-sync setting to ON, ZivaHub will automatically update for every release (for each of your imported repos). NB: This will only occur if your figshare item is public. Each new release will then generate a new version of your ZivaHub item.


  1. Please note: ZivaHub will only create a new version for a release, not for a single commit.


  1. If you have something to upload straight away, you can access the Github integration directly from My Data. From My Data, select Import from GitHub. Then select Connect and you'll see an overlay with the public repositories available to import.

  2. It is useful to include information on how you want to be cited within your Github project. While ZivaHub can help you generate a citation, it is useful to make sure that you are citing a release or a commit. If you are citing other people’s code see if they left any information on how they wish to be cited.


Additional Resources