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ZivaHub Data Sharing and Publishing: Publication Review Workflow

This guide details all the information needed when using UCT's Institutional Repository ZivaHub


Detailed Description of Workflow

Step 1

UCT depositor uploads an item (data and metadata) to the ZivaHub Platform and submits it for publication. 

  • All UCT affiliates have a login to ZivaHub via their secure single sign on authentication service. Once logged in users may upload item(s) and must complete metadata to meet the minimum requirements for publication. Uploaded data files are integrity checked using checksums. Data files cannot be edited after upload, if changes are necessary before publication the uploaded file must be replaced with a suitably altered file by the original depositor. 
Step 2

Data Curators (DLS) and Data Stewards (faculty/department) review all items submitted for publication on ZivaHub, verifying that the item submitted meets the institutional requirements and policies. This is enabled through the fighsare for institutions curation process on the ZivaHub platform.

  • When a user publishes an item, it is submitted for curatorial review. Data Curation Officers in Digital Library Services, along with community data stewards, review the submission. The review process focusses primarily on the metadata, although some aspects of data files are also checked, such as file format, completeness and data sensitivity. If an item is submitted in a field that has a Data Steward, the item is assigned to them for review before publication.
  • All submitted items must go through the Legal Compliance Check, which assess any potential data sensitivity, privacy, and ethical issues. 
  • If a subject does not have a Data Steward, best effort is made to have the item peer reviewed by a supervisor or member of the same academic department as the depositor. While the curators check the data files for integrity and the link to the metadata, ultimately the responsibility for the coherence of the data rests with the depositor (See: ZivaHub Terms of Data Deposit). 
Step 3

Items which do not pass the review process are rejected. The depositor is contacted and the item is sent back to the depositor for corrections and resubmission. The full review process restarts with the updated submission. 

  • The curators and/or stewards suggest edits to the metadata, from small text changes (such as correcting typos) to adding new keywords or advising that supplementary documentation (such as interview schedules, code books, variable lists, etc.) be uploaded alongside the data files. 
Step 4

Once all reviews are passed, the item is published on ZivaHub and stored on Figshare for Institutions cloud storage. It is also provided with an active DOI for the dataset which is registered and attached to the item. 

Step 5

An automated integration process, the item is mirrored to the UCT preservation system for long-term storage 

  • All items published on ZivaHub qualify for active preservation. Periodically, all newly published ZivaHub will be copied to the preservation system. Access to the preservation system is restricted to DLS staff, who can retrieve, update or remove items as required. Changes made in the preservation system do not reflect in the repository. 

Review Video