Blackhall’s Laws of Botswana (revised and annotated up to 1 January 2023). Dublin, Ireland: Blackhall Publishing, 2023. Shelf no. G 6873 FLC.2023.
Mozambique. Legislação de terras : actualizada. Maputo, Moçambique : Imprensa Nacional de Moçambique, 2022. Shelf no. G 6879 FL.LAND.22.LEGI
Index of the Laws of Lesotho 1800-2018. Durban: LexisNexis Pty Ltd, 2019. 4 volumes: Alphabetical index, Chronological index, Historical index, and Subject Index. Shelf no. G 6871 FLI.19.INDE
Our southern African collections were destroyed in the fire of 18 April 2021. We will endeavour to replace what we can in print or in databases. Please use online sources or ask us to obtain copies from other libraries. Titles received after the fire have shelf numbers in green.
This is a guide to the print and electronic holdings of the Government Publications collection of the University of Cape Town Libraries, with links to online resources.
University of Oxford, Bodleian Libraries. Oxford LibGuides. Law. Africa. Online resources by country and some subjects.
Oliver R. Tambo Law Library, University of Pretoria. Law of Africa Collection. (Archived 13 April 2021.)
African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII).
"AfricanLII is an open-access research platform for African law jointly operated by the AfricanLII programme of the University of Cape Town and Laws.Africa. AfricanLII publishes the law and policy of the African Union and federates search across all open access African national law available through the Open Law Africa community of LIIs." "African Union documents and legal information from 16 African countries."
Includes: Law Library of South Africa.
Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII)
"The Southern African Legal Information Institute publishes legal information for free public access which comprises mainly case law from South Africa.
SAFLII also hosts legal materials from other countries in the region which are obtained through partnerships, collaborative efforts and more recently through linking to other Legal Information Institutes established in these regions."
Gazettes. Africa Freely available African Government gazettes
Laws.Africa Freely available African legislation.
African Law Library by the African Innovation Foundation
OSALL. African Legislation
Juri Africa: African Law Portal. Requires payment.
Williams, Jane. Sources of Online Legal Information for African Countries, April/May 2015.
AfricLaw. A joint venture of the ICLA & the CHR at the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria.
CommonLII. Commonwealth Legal Information Institute. Some African national legislation.
Globalex is an electronic legal publication dedicated to international and foreign law research. Published by the Hauser Global Law School Program at NYU School of Law.
The World Law Guide Links to specific acts and sites per country.