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African Legislation : Library Guide: Ghana

Guide to legislation in print and online

Auditing, Internal

Ghana.    Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658) /    [Accra :   Assembly Press,   2003]. Shelf no. G 667 FLA 658


Ghana.    Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.    [Accra? :   s.n.,   1996]. Shelf no. G 667 FL.CONS.1992

Ghana.    Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1979    Accra-Tems :   Republic of Ghana,,   1979. Shelf. no. G 667 FL.CONS.79.CONS


Ghana.    District court rules, 2009 (C.I. 59) /    Accra :   Republic of Ghana,   [2009] Shelf no. G 667 FLC.09.DIST


Ghana.  Electoral Laws  2nd edition. Ghana]: Electoral Commission of Ghana, 2014. Shelf no. G 667 FL.ELEC.14.ELEC


Finance, Public

Ghana.    Financial Administration Act, 2003 (Act 654) /    [Accra :   Assembly Press,   2003]. Shelf no. G 667 FLA 654

Freedom of information

Right to Information Bill :   a bill entitled : Right to Information Act, 2005.    [Accra? :   s.n.,   2005]. Shelf no. G 667 FLA.05.RIGH

Government gazettes

Ghana gazette.  Holdings: No. 1 (7th Jan. 2005)- no. 104 (Dec. 2008), No. 1-128 (2015), No. 1-110 (2016).  Accra :   [Govt. Printer.] Shelf no. G 667 G

GhaLII. Ghana Legal Information Institute. Includes Ghana Gazettes from 2017 onwards.

Government purchasing

Ghana.    Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) /    [Accra :   Assembly Press,   2003]. Shelf no. G 667 FLA 663


Ghana, enacting jurisdiction.    Minerals and mining law (explosives) regulations, 2012.    Accra, Ghana :   Ghana Pubishing Company, Assembly Press,   [2012] Shelf no. G 667 FR LI 2177

Ghana, enacting jurisdiction.    Minerals and mining law (licensing) regulations, 2012.    Accra, Ghana :   Ghana Pubishing Company, Assembly Press,   [2012] Shelf no. G 667 FR LI 2176

Ghana, enacting jurisdiction.    Minerals and mining law (general) regulations, 2012.    Accra, Ghana :   Ghana Pubishing Company, Assembly Press,   [2012] Shelf no. G 667 FR LI 2173


Ghana Legal. Individual acts and decrees.

GhaLII. Ghana Legal Information Institute. Includes Ghana Gazettes from 2011 onwards and some earlier years.

Public utilities

Ghana.    Public Utilities Regulatory Commission Act, 1997 :   (Act 538).    Accra :   Govt. Printer, Assembly Press,   [1997 or 1998] Shelf no. G 667 FL.PUBL.1997


Ghana. Securities and Exchange Commission.    Securities and Exchange Commission regulations, 2003.    [Accra, Ghana :   Assembly Press,   2003]. Shelf no. G 667 FR LI 1728


Ghana.    Laws of Ghana /    Durban :   LexisNexis Butterworths,   c2005. Shelf no. G 667 FLC.2004, DH 348.66702 GHAN

Session laws

Ghana.   Supplement to Ghana gazette. [Acts].  Holdings:  Act 665 (2004) onbwards. Accra :   Government Printer. Shelf no. G 667 G.ACTS