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South African Homelands: Library Guide: Bophuthatswana

A guide to the holdings of the homelands in the Government Publications Department of the University of Cape Town Libraries.

Bophuthatswana Resources List

Library Resources

See above: Bophuthatswana Resources List


The Tswana Territorial Authority was established in terms of the Bantu Authorities Act No. 68 of 1951 by Government Notice No. 585 in SA Government Gazette No. 6666 of  21 April 1961.

Government departments established by Proclamation No. R141 in SA Government Gazette No.  2091 of 12  June 1968.

The Tswana Legislative Assembly was established with effect from 1 May 1971, in terms of the Bantu Homelands Constitution Act No. 21 of 1971 (Act 21 of 1971), by Proclamation No. R.87 in SA Government Gazette No. 3083 of 30 April 1971.

The Tswana Territorial Authority was declared a self-governing territory within the Republic, with the name, Bophuthatswana, in accordance with the provisions of the Bantu Homelands Constitution Act no. 21 of 1971, by Proclamation R.131 of 26 May 1972, with effect from 1 June 1972.  Called the Bophuthatswana Constitution Proclamation, 1972. The Bophuthatswana Legislative Assembly was established by the same proclamation..

The Status of Bophuthatswana Act 89 of 1977 granted Bophuthatswana "independence."

Failed coup d’etat                         1988

State of Emergency                      1990


Vorster, M. P. Constitutions of Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei.  Durban : Butterworths, 1985. Shelf no. GR 342.68 CONS