See above: Gazankulu Resources List
The Matshangana Territorial Authority was established in terms of the Bantu Authorities Act 68 of 1951, by Government Notice No. R.1863 in SA Government Gazette No. 370 of 9 November 1962.
The Government departments of the Matshangana Territorial Authority were established by Proclamation No. R.95 in SA Government Gazette No. 2362 of 25 April 1969.
Machangana substituted for Matshangana by Proclamation No. R.113 in SA Government Gazette No. 3098 of 14 May 1971.
The Machangana Legislative Assembly was established with effect from 1 July 1971, by Proclamation No. R.148 in SA Government Gazette No. 3163 of 25 June 1971.
Machanga Territorial Authority was declared, under the name Gazankulu, to be a self-governing territory within the Republic of South Africa in accordance with the provisions of the Bantu Homelands Constitution Act No. 21 of 1971, by Proclamation No. R.15 in SA Government Gazette No. 3772 of 26 January 1973. Called the Gazankulu Constitution Proclamation. 1973.