See above: Lebowa Resources List
The Lebowa Territorial Authority was established by Government Notice No. R.1274 in SA Government Gazette No. 310 of 10 August 1962.
Lebowa Government departments were established by Proclamation No. R.115 in SA Government Gazette No. 2377 of 2 May 1969.
The Lebowa Legislative Assembly was established with effect from 1 July 1971, by Proclamation No. R.156 in SA Government Gazette No. 3177 of 30 June 1971.
Lebowa was declared a self -governing territory within the Republic in accordance with the provisions of the Bantu Homelands Constitution Act, 1971 (Act 21 of 1971) , by Proclamation No. R.225 in SA Government Gazette No. 3666 of 29 September 1972.