Examples of journal references:
In List of References
Ratnapalan, S.M. & Das, L. 2011. Causes of eye burns in children.
Pediatric Emergency Care. 27(2):151-156.
In-text Citation
The objective was to ascertain the reported causes of burns to the eyes in children (Ratnapalan & Das, 2011:152)
In List of References
Cross, W.T. et al. 2012. Implementing clinical supervision for ICU outreach nurses: a case study of their journey.
Australian Critical Care. 25(4):263-270.
In-text Citation
(Cross et al., 2012:264)
In List of References
Khan, K. et al. 2010. Safety concerns for the use of calcium channel blockers in pregnancy for the treatment of spontaneous preterm labour
and hypertension: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 23(9):1030-1038.
In-text Citation
(Khan et al., 2010:1031)
In List of References
Nkomo, N. 2015. Bearing the right to healthcare, autonomy and hope. Social Science & Medicine. 147:163-169.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.11.003
In-text Citation
(Nkomo, 2015:165)
Note: Add a DOI identifier, if available. A Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) is a unique number that identifies electronic documents and other objects in the digital environment. As the DOI is permanent, there is no need to add the date accessed in square brackets after the DOI number.