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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Waste management

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies


Waste Research Development and Innovation (RDI) Roadmap. "a Government initiative aimed at supporting South Africa’s transition to a circular economy, through the generation of scientific evidence for the waste sector."

South Africa. Department of Science and Technology. A Waste Research, Development and Innovation Roadmap for South Africa (2015-2025): Towards a Secondary Resources Economy: Summary Report. Pretoria: Department of Science and Technology, 2014. 

South Africa. Department of Science and Technology. South African Waste Sector, 2012:  An analysis of the formal private and public waste sector in South Africa.  A  National Waste RDI Roadmap for South Africa:  Phase 1, Status Quo.  Pretoria: Department of Science and  Technology, 2013.


South Africa. Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. National Waste Management Strategy 2020. Pretoria: Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, 2020.

National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) 2020 Costing Framework

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. 2019 Revised and Updated National Waste Management Strategy Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, 3 December 2019.

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. National pricing strategy for waste management. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, 2016. Shelf no. G 68 E.ENVI.16.NATI

South Africa. Dept. of Environment Affairs. 2012. Municipal solid waste tariff strategy : final.

South Africa. Dept. of Environment Affairs.    National Waste Management Strategy. Pretoria :   Government Printing Works,  November 2011. In: Government gazette no. 25306 (4 May 2012), Government notice no. 344. Shelf no. G 68 E.ENVI.11.NATI

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. National pricing strategy for waste management. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, 2016. Shelf no. G 68 E.ENVI.16.NATI

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. National Waste Management Strategy: first draft for public comment, March 2010. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, March 2010.

South Africa. Dept. of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.    National waste management strategies and action plans :   South Africa : strategy formulation phase : national waste management strategy /    [South Africa] :   Danced, Wiechers Environmental Consultancy, Niras Consulting Engineers, Ramboll,   1999. G 68 JEN PMG 130    


City of Cape Town. Waste strategy: draft for public participation. [Cape Town] : [Urban Waste Management Directorate,] [September 2024.]

City of Cape Town. Integrated waste management (IWM) (Policy number 68209). Revised and approved by Council, 29 October 2020. Vide C15/10/20.

City of Cape Town. Integrated waste management (IWM) policy

Gauteng. Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment. Gauteng Provincial Integrated Waste Management Policy. September 2006.


Hazardous waste

South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. National household hazardous waste management strategy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, March 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50411 (28 March 2024), Government notice no. 4583. 

South Africa. Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. Draft household hazardous waste management strategy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, January 2023. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 47967 (31 January 2023), Government notice no. 2987.

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. National policy on thermal treatment of general hazardous waste. Pretoria: Government Printer, 2009. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 32439 (24 July 2009), Government notice no. 777. Shelf no. G 68 E.ENVI.09.NATI


Medical Waste

Gauteng. Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment. Integrated strategy and action plans for sustainable health care risk waste management in Gauteng : final version. Johannesburg: Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, July 2004.

KwaZulu-Natal. Department of Health. Health care risk waste management policy for KwaZulu-Natal Province. Pietermaritzburg: Department of Health, 2008.

White papers

South Africa. Dept. of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.    White paper on integrated pollution and waste management for South Africa :   a policy on pollution prevention, waste minimisation, impact management and remediation /    Pretoria :   Govt. Printer,   2000. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 20978 (17 March 2000), Government notice no. 227. G 68 E.ENVI.00.WHIT

South Africa. Dept. of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. White paper on integrated pollution and waste management for South Africa :   a policy on pollution prevention, waste minimisation, impact management and remediation /    [Pretoria] :   The Dept.,   2000. G 68 E.ENVI.00.WHIT


South Africa. Dept. of Environmental Affairs.    Municipal waste sector plan. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 35206 (30 March 2012), Government notice no. 270.  Pretoria :   Government Printer,   2011. G 68 E.ENVI.11.MUNI

City of Cape Town. 4th generation integrated waste management plan/waste sector, 2022/23-2026/27. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, 2022. 

City of Cape Town (South Africa). Department: Solid Waste Management. 3rd generation integrated waste management plan. 2016?

City of Cape Town (South Africa). Department: Solid Waste Management. Solid Waste Management Departmental business plan, 2015/16.

City of Cape Town (South Africa). Department: Solid Waste Management. 2013/14 solid waste management integrated waste management plan for City of Cape Town (incorporating: sector plan)

City of Cape Town (South Africa). Department: Solid Waste Management. 2011/12 solid waste management sector plan for City of Cape Town (incorporating Integrated waste management plan)

City of Cape Town (South Africa).    City of Cape Town policy & strategy documents towards sustainable development through integrated environmental management. 12. Draft integrated waste management plan.    Vlaeberg :   City of Cape Town,   2006]. GZCD RCT E.ENVI.06.CITY

Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Western Cape Integrated Waste Management Plan, 2023-2027Cape Town: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, March 2023.

Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Western Cape Integrated Waste Management Plan, 2022-2027 (Draft). Cape Town: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, September 2022.

Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Western Cape Integrated Waste Management Plan 2017 - 2022. Cape Town: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, 2017.


Cape Town (South Africa). Solid Waste Management Services.    Integrated solid waste management plan :   draft assessment report /    Pretoria :   Mega-Tech/South Africa,   2004. G RCT E.ENVI.04.INTE

Organic waste

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. The national organic waste composting strategy: final strategy report. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, April 2013.

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. The national organic waste composting strategy: draft guideline document for composting. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, February 2013.

Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Position paper on organic waste management. Cape Town: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, March 2017. 

Food waste

South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. Draft strategy for reducing food losses and waste. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, September 2023. In: SA Government gazette no. 49321 (19 September 2023), Government notice no. 3888.

South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. Draft strategy for reducing food losses and waste prior to retail: draft strategy: executive summary document. Version 1.0. Pretoria: Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, September 2022. Open Strategic Documents, NECES, Item 5.4 & Download.

Electrical & electronic waste

South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act no. 59 of 2008): Draft waste from electrical and electronic equipment national management policy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, June 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50835 (19 June 2024), Government notice no. 4983. 


South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. National Waste Management Strategy Implementation: South Africa: Waste Information System Framework Document: Final Report. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, March 2005. (Report Number: 2.1 ; DEAT Report Number: 12/9/6)

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.    National waste management strategy implementation South Africa :   waste information system : framework document /    [Pretoria? :   Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism?] ,   2005. G 68 E.ENVI.05.WAST

Draft papers

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. Draft white paper on integrated pollution and waste management for South Africa :   a policy on pollution prevention, waste minimisation, impact control and remediation /    [Pretoria :   The Depts.,   1998] G 68 E.ENVI.98.DRAF

South Africa. Dept. of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. Discussion document towards a white paper on integrated pollution control and waste management/    Pretoria :   Govt. Printer,   1997. G 68 E.ENVI.97.DISC

Radioactive waste

South Africa. Department of Minerals and Energy. Radioactive waste management policy and strategy for the Republic of South Africa 2005. Pretoria: Department of Minerals and Energy, 2005. Shelf no. G 68 E.MINE.05.RADI

South Africa. Department of Minerals and Energy. Radioactive waste management policy and strategy for the Republic of South Africa: draft for public comment, July 2003. Pretoria: Department of Minerals and Energy, 2003. Shelf no. G 68 E.MINE.03.RADI



South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. 2010. National policy for the provision of basic refuse removal services to indigent households. In: Government gazette no. 34385 (22 June 2011), General notice 413 of 2011.

South Africa. Dept. of Environmental Affairs    Draft policy on free basic refuse removal. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 32688 (6 November 2009), General notice 1476 of 2009.     Pretoria :   Government Printer,   2009. G 68 E.ENVI.09.DRAF

Solid waste

South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. Municipal Solid Waste Tariff Strategy: Final. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, May 2012.


South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. Industry waste tyre management plan prepared In terms of section 29 of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008). Pretoria: Government Printing Works, March 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50322 (20 March 2024), Government notice no. 4542.

South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. Industry waste tyre management plan prepared In terms of section 29 of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008). Pretoria: Government Printing Works, October 2023. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 49455 (10 Octiober 2023), Government notice no. 3951. Consultation draft. 

South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. Industry waste tyre management plan In terms of section 29 of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008). Draft 9 February 2022. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, March 2022. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 46017 (9 March 2022), Government notice no. 1849. 

CSIR. Industry waste management plan: tyres. Draft 1 for stakeholder consultation.  "Developed by the CSIR in terms of Section 29 of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008." Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, March 2020. 

Integrated Industry Waste Tyre Management Plan (IIWTMP) of the Recycling Economic Development Initiative of South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, July 2012. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 35534 (23 July 2012), Government notice no. 562. Withdrawn in 2017.