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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Education, Post-school

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies


South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National plan for post-school education and training, 2021-2030. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, September 2023.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National plan for post-school education and training, 2021-2030. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, October 2021. 

Draft national plan for post-school education and training. 2017.

Community colleges

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National Policy on Students and Community Support Services for Community Education and Training Colleges. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, March 2021.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training..Draft National Policy on Students and Community Support Services for Community Education and Training Colleges. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, July 2020.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. The Community Education and Training College System: National Plan for the Implementation of the White Paper for Post-School Education and Training System, 2019-2030. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, 2019. (This not online. Please request a copy from the librarian.)

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Design Evaluation of Draft Policy on Community Colleges. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, August 2015.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National policy on community education and training colleges. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, April 2015.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National improvement plan for teaching and learning for community education and training colleges. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2017.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft National Policy on Annual Reporting for Community Education and Training Colleges. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, September 2017. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 41132 (22 September 2017), Government notice no. 1013.

Note: The publication of the final National Policy on Annual Reporting for Community Education and Training Colleges was announced in Government gazette 41531 (27 March 2018), Government notice no. 380. The full Policy is supposed to be available on the Department's website, but cannot be found. 

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft policy framework for the development of admission policies by community education and training colleges. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, March 2017

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National policy for the monitoring and evaluation of community education and training colleges. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, October 2016.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft policy on staffing norms for community education and training (CET) colleges. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, May 2016. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.16.DRAF

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National policy on curriculum development and implementation in community education and training colleges. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, May 2017.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy and procedures for regulating the opening, merging and closure of community education and training colleges learning sites. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, May 2017.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Service delivery framework for community education and training colleges. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, 2017.

South Africa. Presidency. Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation. Design Evaluation of the Policy on Community Colleges (PCC). Pretoria: The  Presidency. Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation,  Department of Higher Education and Training, 11 April 2014.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National policy on community colleges: draft. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, October 2014. 

Agriculture & rural development

South Africa. Department of Agriculture. Directorate of Education and Training. National education and training strategy for agriculture and rural development: AET strategy, 2005.


South Africa. Department of Health. National Policy on Nursing Education and Training. Pretoria: Department of Health, 2019.

White papers

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. White paper for post-school education and training : building and expanded, effective and integrated post-school system. Pretoria :  Department of Higher Education and Training, 2013.

Green papers

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training.    Green paper for post-school education and training.   Pretoria :   Department of Higher Education and Training,   [2012]. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.12.GREE


South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National policy on the conduct, administration and management of the examinations for colleges, established, declared or registered in terms of section 41 B of the Continuing Education and Training Act, 2006 (Act No 16 of 2006). Pretoria: Government Printer, 9 April 2021. (Draft for comment.)

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft policy on the conduct, administration and management of assessment for the General Education and Training Certificate for Adults (CETC): a qualification at Level 1 on the General and Further Education Qualifications Sub-Framework of the National Qualifications Framework. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, November 2016.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy Framework for Internationalisation of Higher Education in South Africa. Pretoria:  Department of Higher Education and Training, 2019.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Post-school education and training information policy, 2019.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft post-school education and training information policy, 20 February 2018.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, March 2017. Draft for comment. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.17.OPEN

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Implementation strategy for open learning in post school education and training system. Version 1.0. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, March 2016.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Articulation policy for the post-school education and training system of South Africa, January 2017. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, January 2017.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft articulation policy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, March 2016.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy for the Post-School Education and Training Central Application Service. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, February 2017.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy framework on differentiation in the South African post-school system. July 2014.

South African Qualifications Authority. Policy and Criteria for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications Framework (As amended, 2021). Waterkloof: South African Qualifications Authority, 2021.

South African Qualifications Authority. Policy for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications Framework. Waterkloof: South African Qualifications Authority, December 2014.

Adult education

South Africa. Department of Education. Policy Document on Adult Basic Education and Training. [Pretoria: Department of Education, 2009?]

South Africa. Department of Education. Policy Document on Adult Basic Education and Training. [Pretoria: Department of Education, 2003?]

South Africa. Department of Education. Policy Document on Adult Basic Education and Training. [Pretoria: Department of Education, 1997?]

South Africa. Department of Education. National Policy on the Conduct of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Level 4 Examinations. Pretoria: Govt. Printer, 2002.

South Africa. Department of Education. Chief Directorate: Quality Assurance. A Quality Assurance Framework for General, Adult and Further Education and Training in South Africa : Towards National Policy. Pretoria: Department of Education, 1998. "Final draft."

Gender-based violence

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy Framework to address Gender -Based Violence in the Post -School Education and Training System. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, July 2020. (General notice 410 of 2020, SA Government Gazette No. 43575 of 31 July 2020.)

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy Framework to Address Gender-Based Violence in the Post-School Education and Training System.  Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, March 2020. (Search with URL in the Internet Archives.)

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy Framework to address Gender-Based Violence in the Post-School Education and Training System. Version 4.0 For Public Comments. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 15 April 2019.


Inclusive education

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy framework for the realisation of social inclusion in the post-school education and training system. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, 2016. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.16.POLI

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft social inclusion policy framework of the Department of Higher education and Training: for public comment, August 2014. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, 2014.


South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft strategic disability policy framework for the post-school education and training system, 2016. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2016. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.16.DRAF

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Strategic policy framework on disability for the post-school education and training system. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, March 2018.

Application service

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Policy for the post-school education and training central application service, February 2017. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, November 2017.

Open learning

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, March 2017. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 40772 (7 April 2017), notice no. 335.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Implementation Strategy for Open Learning in Post School Education and Training System. Version 1.0. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, March 2016. 

Recognition of prior learning

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Implementation Framework in the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) System. Version 2 – For Public Comment. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, [2024]

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training.  Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Implementation Framework in the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) System. Government notice no. 4883 (23 May 2024) to the effect that the framework is available on the DHET website for comment. 

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Recognition of Prior Learning Coordination Policy.  Pretoria: Government Printing Works, March 2016. in: South Africa. Government gazette no. 39876 (31 March 2016), Government notice no. 381. 

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Implementation Framework in the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) System. Version 2 – For Public Comment. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, [2024]


South Africa. Department of Education. The National Policy Framework For Teacher Education and Development In South Africa. Pretoria: Department of Education, 2006.