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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Labour & Employment

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies


The Department of Labour published three green papers in the 1990s, but did not publish white papers; instead it drafted legislation, which resulted in the promulgation of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997, the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 and the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003.

Public employment

South Africa. Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. Expanded Public Works Programme policy: final draft, 12 December 2021. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, September 2022. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 46917 (16 September 2022)

Economy and employment

South Africa. Presidency. Building a society that works: public investment in a mass employment in a mass employment strategy to build a new economy. Pretoria: The Presidency: ,October 2020. (Scroll down.)


South Africa. National Planning Commission. Our future :   make it work : national development plan, 2030.  Chapter 3, Economy and employment.  Pretoria :   National Planning Commission,   2012. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.12.OURF

South Africa. National Planning Commission. Medium-term strategic framework (2014-2019). Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2014. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.14.MEDI Appendix 4. Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth

Employment standards

South Africa Dept. of Labour. Minimum Standards Directorate    Policy proposals for a new employment standards statute :   green paper. Pretoria :   Ministry of Labour,   1996. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.96.POLI

Labour market information

South Africa. Department of Employment and Labour. Labour market information system master plan. Pretoria: Department of Employment and Labour, Chief Directorate of Communication, 2024.

Labour migration

South Africa. Department of Employment and Labour. Draft national labour migration policy. Pretoria: Department of Employment and Labour, Feb. 2022.

Employment equity

South Africa Dept. of Labour. Directorate: Equal Opportunities.  Green paper :   employment and occupational equity.    Pretoria :   Govt. Printer,   1996. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.96.GREE

Black economic empowerment

South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry. South Africa’s Economic Transformation : a Strategy for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment. Pretoria: Department of Trade and Industry, 2003.

South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry. South Africa’s Economic Transformation : a Strategy for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment. Pretoria?: Dept. of Trade and Industry, 2002.

Job creation

South Africa. Creating jobs, fighting poverty : an employment strategy framework. Pretoria: Govt. Printer, 1998. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.98.CREA

South Africa. Department of Labour. Labour Market and Human Resource Development for Job Creation : Social Plan.  Pretoria: Govt. Printer, 1999. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 20305 (23 July 1999), General notice 1590. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.99.LABO


Sheltered employment

South Africa. Department of Labour. Sheltered Employment Factories under the auspices of the Department of Labour: strategic plan, 2014-2018. Pretoria: Department of Labour,.


Quality Council for Trades and Occupations. Revised Occupational Qualifications Sub -Framework (OQSF) Policy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, 2 March 2020.

Quality Council for Trades and Occupations. Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework (OQSF) Policy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, 31 July 2014.


South Africa Dept. of Labour.    Green paper :   skills development strategy for economic and employment growth in South Africa.    [Pretoria? :   Govt. Printer?],   1997. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.97.GREE

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training.    National skills development strategy III, 2011 - 2016.    Pretoria :   Department of Higher Education and Training,   2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.11.NATI

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training.    National skills development strategy III.   Pretoria :   Dept. of Higher Education and Training,   2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.11.NATI

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training.    Framework for the national skills development strategy, 2011/12 - 2015/16 :   first draft for consultation, 29th April 2010.    Pretoria :   Dept. of Higher Education and Training,   2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.10.FRAM

Article: Kraak, Andre. A critical review of the National skills development strategy in South Africa. Journal of vocational education & training, Vol. 60, issue 1 (2008)

South Africa. Dept. of Labour.    National skills development strategy :   1 April 2005 - 31 March 2010.    Pretoria :   Department of Labour,   [2005]. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.05.NATI

South Africa. National Skills Authority.    The National Skills Authority's :   consultation draft : national skills development strategy 2005 - 2009.  Pretoria :   Department of Labour,   [2004]. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.04.NATI

South Africa. Dept. of Labour.    The National Skills Development Strategy :   April 2001 - March 2005 : skills for productive citizenship for all. [Pretoria? :   The Dept.,   2001?]. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.01.NATI

South Africa. National Skills Authority.    Towards a national skills development strategy :   "skills for productive citizenship for all" : a draft consultation document. [Pretoria?] :   Dept. of Labour,   2000. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.00.TOWA