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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Government

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies


South Africa. Department of Provincial and Local Government. The white paper on traditional leadership and governance. Pretoria: Ministry of Provincial and Local Government, July 2003. SA Government gazette no. 25438 (10 September 2003.)

South Africa. Department of Provincial and Local Government. Draft white paper on traditional leadership and governance. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, October 2002. SA Government gazette no. 23984 (29 October 2002), General notice 2103 of 2002. 

South Africa. Department of Provincial and Local Government.  A discussion document towards a white paper on traditional leadership and governance. Pretoria: Department of Provincial and Local Government, April 2000.



South Africa. Government Communications and Information System. Government communication policy. Approved by Cabinet: 22 August 2018.

Open governance

South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. Reviving the OGP Process in South Africa: OGP 5th National Action Plan 2023-2026. Pretoria: Department of Public Service and Administration, December 2022. 

South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. Reviving the OGP Process in South Africa: OGP 4th National Action Plan 2020-2022. Pretoria: Department of Public Service and Administration, December 2020. 


Western Cape. Department of Transport and Public Works. White Paper on the Management of Provincial Property. Cape Town: Western Cape Provincial Government, April 2004. In: Provincial Gazette Extraordinary 6121 (7 April 2004.)

Western Cape. Department of Transport and Public Works. White Paper on the Management of Provincial Property. Final draft. Cape Town: Department of Transport and Public Works, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, 2004.

Western Cape. Department of Economics Affairs, Agriculture and Tourism. Green Paper on the Management of Provincial Property, 23 May 2001. Cape Town: Department of Economics Affairs, Agriculture and Tourism, 2001.