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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Economic policy

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies


Western Cape. Western Cape Growth for Jobs Strategy 2035. [Cape Town: Western Cape Government, 2023.]

Western Cape. OneCape 2040: from vision to action: the Western Cape agenda for joint action on economic development. [Cape Town: Office of the Premier,] 19 October 2012. 

Western Cape. OneCape 2040: from vision to action: the Western Cape agenda for joint action on economic development. [Cape Town: Office of the Premier,] Draft 4, 19 October 2012. 

Western Cape. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Micro-Economic Development Strategy for the Western Cape: synthesis report. Cape Town: Department of Economic Development and Tourism, July 2006.

Western Cape. Department of Economic Development and Tourism. MEDS: input papers into Micro-economic strategy for the Western Cape. Cape Town: Department of Economic Development and Tourism, 2005. 

Local governments

City of Cape Town. Inclusive economic growth strategy. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, September 2021. 

City of Cape Town. Economic action plan. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, April 2020.

City of Cape Town. Inclusive economic growth strategy: public draft, August 2020. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, 2020.

City of Cape Town. Office of the Executive Mayor. Strategic Policy Unit. Economic growth strategy. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, July 2013. 


South Africa. Presidency. South Africa: Country Investment Strategy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, May 2022. Draft for comment.

InvestSA. Investing in South African roadmap 2020. Pretoria: Department of Trade and Industry, 2020?

Social economy

South Africa. Economic Development Department. National Social Economy Draft Green Paper. Pretoria: Economic Development Department, 25 February 2019.

Social and Solidarity Economy Policy Draft Green Paper of May 2021. (For information see: International Labour Organization. South Africa’s social and solidarity economy: a study of its characteristics and conditions. Geneva: ILO, November 2021.) 

South Africa. Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. Social Economy Policy (No longer functional, 22/11/2023.)

Green economy

Limpopo. Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism. Limpopo green economy plan including Provincial climate change response. Polakwane: Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, June 2013.

South Africa. Economic Development Department. New growth path : accord 4 : green economy accord. Pretoria: Economic Development Department, 2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.ECON.11.NEWG

Spencer, Frank and others. A strategy for a developmental green economy for Gauteng: final report.  Johannesburg: Department of Economic Development, January 2010.

Western Cape. Green is smart: Western Cape green economic strategy framework, 2013. Cape Town: Western Cape Government, 2013. Shelf no. G PWC E.ECON.13.GREE

Policies, plans, strategies, frameworks

South Africa. The South African economic recovery and reconstruction plan. [Pretoria: The Presidency, October 2020.]

South Africa. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Evaluation of the Economic recovery and reconstruction plan (ERRP): briefing of the Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation DPME), 10 November 2023. (presentation)

Economic recovery & reconstruction recovery progress report (presentation, 15 September 2022)

South Africa. Implementation plan for the South African economic recovery and reconstruction plan. [Pretoria: The Presidency, October 2020.]

South Africa. Presidency. Building a new economy: highlights of the reconstruction and recovery plan. [Pretoria: The Presidency, October 2020.]

South Africa. Presidency. Building a new society: public investment in a mass employment strategy to build a  new economy. [Pretoria: The Presidency, October 2020.]

Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa to the Joint Sitting of Parliament on South Africa’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan and Related Information, 15 October 2020.

South Africa. National Treasury. Economic measures for COVID-19 . Pretoria: National Treasury, [May 2020.]

South Africa. Risk adjusted strategy. Draft framework for consultation. Schedule of services: framework for sectors, 25 April 2020.

South Africa. National Treasury. Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and competitiveness: a contribution towards a growth agenda for the South African economy. Version 2. Pretoria: National Treasury, October 2019.

South Africa. National Treasury. Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and competitiveness: Towards an Economic Strategy for South Africa. Pretoria: National Treasury, August 2019.

President Cyril Ramaphosa: Economic stimulus and recovery plan, 21 September 2018

South Africa. Presidency. Nine-Point Plan to boost economic growth and create much-needed jobs. 2015.

South Africa. National Planning Commission. Our future :   make it work : national development plan, 2030.    Pretoria :   National Planning Commission,   2012. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.12.OURF

South Africa.  Economic Development Department.    The new growth path :   framework.    Pretoria :   Economic Development Department,   [2011]. Shelf no. G 68 E.ECON.11.NEWG

South Africa.  Economic Development Department.  New Growth Path. Accord 4, Green economy accord. Pretoria: Economic Development Department, [2011.]

Framework for South Africa's response to the international economic crisis. [Pretoria: The Presidency,] 19 February 2009.

Second Economy Strategy: Addressing Inequality and Economic Marginalisation: a Strategic Framework, January 2009. "The Second Economy Strategy Project is an initiative of the Presidency, hosted by TIPS."

South Africa. Presidency    AsgiSA and JIPSA.   [Pretoria? :   The Presidency? ,   2006]. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.06.ASGI

South Africa. Presidency.    Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative - South Africa (AsgiSA).   Pretoria :   Government Communications and Information System,   2006. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.06.ACCE

South Africa. Presidency. Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative : South Africa (AsgiSA) : a summary. Pretoria : The Presidency, 2006?

South Africa. Presidency.    Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative - South Africa.   [Pretoria :   The Presidency ,   2005.] Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.05.ACCE

South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry. The Microeconomic Reform Strategy. Pretoria: Department of Trade and Industry, 2004. Shelf no. G 68 E.INDU.04.MICR

Dobson, Wendy. A Guide to the Microeconomic Reform Strategy. Pretoria, South Africa: Dept. of Trade and Industry, 2002. Shelf no. G 68 E.TRAD.02.MICR

South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry. Consumer law credit reform: policy framework for consumer credit. Pretoria: Department of Trade and Industry, August 2004.

South Africa. Dept. of Finance.    Growth, employment and redistribution :   a macro-economic strategy.   [Pretoria? :   Dept. of Finance?,   1996?].  Shelf no. G 68 E.FINA.96.GROW

South Africa.  White paper on reconstruction and development.   Cape Town :   Ministry in the Office of the President,   1994. Shelf no. G 68 EWP J/94


Draft policies

South Africa    White paper on reconstruction and development :   Government's strategy for fundamental transformation. RDP white paper discussion document .   Cape Town :   Republic of South Africa,   1994. Shelf no. G 68 E.RDP.94.RDPW

Special Economic Zones

South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry. Policy on the development of Special Economic Zones in South Africa (2012). Pretoria: Department of Trade and Industry, 2012.

South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry. Policy on the development of Special Economic Zones in South Africa, 2012. Pretoria: Government Printer, 2012.  SA Government gazette copy for comment.

South Africa. Department of Trade and Industry. Special Economic Zones and Economic Transformation Division. SEZ Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. SEZ performance monitoring and evaluation framework. Pretoria: Department of Trade and Industry, July 2016.


Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa.    Annual report, 2005/20062007, 2008.    [Pretoria, South Africa] :   The Presidency. Shelf no. G 68 ED.ASGI

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD Economic Surveys: South Africa : economic assessment, 2008. Chapter 1, Achieving accelerated  and shared growth for South Africa. Paris : OECD, 2008. Shelf nos. 330.968 OECD, BA 338.968 OECD, G 44 E.OECD.08.OECD. Also available online in OECDiLibrary.

South Africa. Financial and Fiscal Commission.    Assessing the economic and fiscal effects of the New Growth Path.   Halfway House :   Financial and Fiscal Commission,   2011. G 68 E.FINA.11.ASSE

South Africa. National Treasury. Medium term budget policy statement, 2005. Chapter 1, Accelerated and shared growth. Pretoria : National Treasury, 2005.

South Africa. Presidency.    Reflections on AsgiSA in its first year.    [Pretoria? :   The Presidency, South Africa,   [2007?]. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.07.REFL


Rural economy

South Africa. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, South Africa. Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. Operation Phakisa: Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. concept document: Transforming the Agricultural Sector towards an Inclusive Rural Economy “Food for All and 1 Million Jobs, by 2030” Version: 30 May, 2016. Pretoria: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, 2016.

South Africa. Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. The rural economy transformation model: one district, one agripark/every municipality a CRDP site: draft policy framework version 1. Pretoria: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 201-?


South Africa. National Planning Commission. Economic Progress Towards the National Development Plan’s Vision 2030 : Recommendations for Course Correction. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2020. Shelf no. G 68 E.PLAN.20.ECON

South Africa. National Planning Commission. A Review of the National Development Plan, 2030 : Advancing Implementation Towards a More Capable Nation. Pretoria: [National Planning Commission], 2020. Shelf no. G 68 E.PLAN.20.REVI

South Africa. National Planning Commission. Measurement of Progress with the Implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) : a Six-Year Analysis : Report of the National Planning Commission. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2018. Shelf no. G 68 E.PLAN.18.MEAS