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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Infection control

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies

Policies and strategies

South Africa. Department of Health. Implementation of the National infection prevention and control strategic framework. Pretoria: Department of Health, October 2021. (Downloads document.)

South Africa. Department of Health. National infection prevention and control strategic framework. Pretoria: Department of Health, March 2020. 

South Africa. Department of Health. [Draft] National infection prevention and control strategic framework. Pretoria: Department of Health, March 2020. 

South Africa. Department of Health. Practical Manual for the Implementation of the National Infection and Control Strategic Framework. Pretoria: Department of Health, March 2020.

South Africa. Department of Health. The national infection prevention and control policy & strategy. Pretoria: Department of Health, April 2007.